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Stories I plan to write

Phantom Roxas

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As someone who aspires to be a published writer, there are many steps I need to take in order to accomplish that goal. The first step would be to actually be a good writer, and of course to actually finish stories. As such, these are stories that have a sort of history with this site that I would like to revive, in a sense.

[b]Digimon Hopeless Paradise[/b] - I'm sure some of you remember this story. The main problem I have with my original version is the pacing, since it took way to long to get the characters to the Digital World, instead spending most of the time on setup. This is not inherently a bad thing, as Tamers, which is my favorite season, didn't even go to the Digital World until around a third of the way through. However, the story I intended to write was meant to be more like Adventure, Frontier, and Xros Wars, where the bulk of the story would indeed take place in the Digital World.

The basic premise went that Barbamon, one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, killed Gallantmon, one of the Royal Knights. Somehow, the Royal Knights decided that of course the only way to stop the Demon Lords is to bring humans and pair them up with Digimon, even though one of the very first things I established was that Digimon are incapable of even entering the Digital World. So yeah, plot holes, unless it's something like the Royal Knights have the ability to go to our world, but just don't feel like sharing. I also decided to include other factions like the Olympus Twelve and the Four Holy Gods, but that's just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. The Royal Knights are overdone, having appeared in several installments with their group as a focus, so I'm just going to abandon the existence of the group. I'll have some of the members show up, but it's not like they're going to be part of some super special secret organization or what have you.

What I do want to keep is the Demon Lords as the main antagonist. One of, if not my earliest roleplay on this site had them as the focus, and the series itself has only dealt with them as a group in video games. Also, since people submitted characters for the story, I'll be keeping them, but with minor adjustments to suit my needs. Things like partners will stay. I think the only ones who submitted characters that are still active are Legend Zero and Umbra, in which case I'll happily give them the right to change how their character should act.

[b]Yu-Gi-Oh! Zodiac Cross[/b] - Far less successful than Digimon Hopeless Paradise was a Duel Academy story I wrote, where the academy was based on the Zodiac instead of the Egyptian Gods, and the main character used Gladiator Beasts because I'm biased like that. And yet he has had more appearances as one of my (Most likely unnecessary) commentators in Phantom's Divinations than he does in his own story. I planned out this story with a couple of friends, but those were things that wouldn't happen until a long time. Also, as people should know by now, I'm bad at the game.

[b]Yu-Gi-Oh! The Tales of Destiny[/b] - Essentially me hopping on the bandwagon (Assuming it exists) of people trying to write full-fledged stories based on what we see in various cards. Anyone who knows be probably guessed that that means I was writing a Gagagigo story. However, I wanted to write Eria's story, as I feel it makes more sense to approach the story beginning with her point of view, and before she becomes a Charmer. I might tackle other stories like Warrior Dai Grepher and Warrior of Zera, as I did when I wrote a story like this, but those stories aren't as meaningful to me as Eria and Gagagigo's stories, which have earned all my feels.

[b]YCM Grand Tournament Adaptation[/b] - Exactly what it says on the tin. Kind of. I came up with Excuse Plots when writing the scenarios for the story, or had other people do that for characters I was unfamiliar with. The real challenge to this one is that it's a crossover, and eventually Final Fantasy XIII and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's took over the plot. I guess I could make this a collaborative project for anyone who wants to see a certain franchise included in this that I am not familiar with, but this could very easily result in some franchises just becoming more dominant than others.

Considering the lengthy summary I supplied for Hopeless Paradise, I think that's the story I want to tackle first, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on all four of these.

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Of the four story lines you have presented, I remember two of them very clearly. Those were the[b] Digimon: Hopeless Paradise [/b]and the [b]Yu-Gi-Oh! Tales of Destiny.[/b]

[b]Digimon[/b] when you first released it nearly two years ago was actually a reason why I went back to watching some of the series in the first place. Aside from Rinne and Umbra, you in my opinion were one of the better writers on the forum, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story. A focus on the Demon Lords would be a welcome change to most meta fan-fictions of Digimon. I obviously agree with you to revive this story on the basis that it had a lot of potential which I'm guessing was staved off due to writer's block/lack of interest

[b]Tales of Destiny[/b] was another one I liked of yours. I thought it really cool that you tied together the stories of the charmers with the growth of Giga-byte all the way up to his final form. To be honest however, I would like you to take the Warrior's side of the story, and flesh that out a little more, or even converge both story arcs into one greater picture. I liked this story from other Yu-Gi-Oh! ones on the site, because it wasn't ALL just about "Card Games" or even "Dueling", but about the stories that the cards had to tell themselves.

That's a few of my suggestions, but I hope you at least choose to update or re-vamp one of the four listed above.

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Fenrir, is that you? Honestly, I think that if anyone were to get the most enjoyment out of a Hopeless Paradise revamp, it would be you. What I have planned for Quint is one of my favorite things to develop. Saying that I was one of the better writers means a lot, but not as much as actually getting you to watch some of the older series. To me it shows that I was able to not only generate a story people could enjoy, but could encourage people to see what inspired it. Actually, I would expect the Seven Demon Lords to be a very popular group to build a story around. I think my primary focus is to develop them as a threat and find a believable reason to get the characters to the Digital World.

I'm actually surprised you remember Tales of Destiny. I would agree that the stories could converge at some point, but the way I see it, Grepher's can work with Eria and Gigobyte's story (I consider it one due to how closely tied their stories are shown to be) as well as Warrior of Zera (Who I assume you were referring to, and yet he is probably the one I have the least interest in among the three), while the Eria/Gigobyte and Warrior of Zera story don't exactly have enough of a basis for a connection, although I think I had considered making Terrorking Archfiend a recurring antagonist, and he has at least some ties to each of their stories. Warrior and Terrorking would have to be archenemies, as Gagagigo's is Invader of Darkness. Grepher's a bit more unclear, as he seems to have more of a rivalry with Warrior Lady of the Wasteland, but not in the sense of Gagagigo vs. IoV or WoZ vs. Terrorking, although I do believe WLotW thinks their rivalry very much is like that. There's also his eventually fall to darkness, in which case I'm tempted to have his story similar to Revenge of the Sith or Terra's scenario in Birth by Sleep. So basically, Revenge of the Sith. Of course, the main difference is that Grepher shouldn't be so gullible or stupid.

I think that's the thing that ties these stories together: All three male heroes (Because I want Eria to be just as important as them) turn to darkness at some point, but Gagagigo seems to be the only one where we know he has found redemption. What role does Lightray Grepher serve? What shall be the ultimate fate of the Warrior of Zera?

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Actually, no. It's Midnight Thief, or ~MT~ for short. If you don't remember me, who cares because I sure as hell remember you.

Yeah I found great delight in reading those two stories of yours a few years back, and if I recall, Fenrir liked them as well.

I agree upon the antagonists for Tales of Destiny, as the Archlords were litterally created to be a solution to the Archfiend "Dark Crisis" created in the past. To be honest I would much rather read this story than the Digimon one, just because I feel that this tale will give cause for you to delve deeper into your creative thoughts the make connections between the monsters. You seem to have a great sense of where you want to take the story as well, with the Gagagigo's encounter with the IoD, Eria's Possessed elemental, and Grepher's descent into malevolence, where I'd assume he'd become Dark Grepher?

I also love when authors take the "Take a good man and make him evil" approach to a story, so I'm in full support of this story.

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Okay, so I'll start with those two stories since you've talked about them, although I'll probably get Tales of Destiny out first since I wrote the first chapter last year for a Creative Writing class. I agree that it will to improve my creative process, since there is at least an pre-existing outline for me to follow while giving me enough room to supply my own style and twists to the stories. I will say that Dark Grepher will appear at one point, since there's no use in hiding that if I'm admitting to following the established stories. As much as I love Revenge, I think I prefer a story where someone starts bad with some likable traits and eventually grows into a true hero. Maybe the idea of taking a good man and making him evil is just preferable because it isn't as easy to write off as clichéd. That and because Breaking Bad is immensely popular.

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  • 3 months later...

So, I hope to start work on Hopeless Paradise sometime next month, but there's something I'd like to address first. As I said, I will be keeping the same characters, but with certain changes. Most importantly, I want to change the names. I believe some people fell under the impression that, because it's a story based on a Japanese franchise, I had it set in Japan, and so they submitted characters with Japanese names. I'm not doing that, so while I'm very much aware that what I'll be doing is like what 4Kids and Saban did in their dubs, I'd like to ask suggestions for possible Americanizations of the following names.

"Yuusuke Echizen". By far the name I've had the most trouble thinking of. I had considered "Ulrich", since I watched Code Lyoko, but I'm interested in what you think.
"Derek Namio". I'm okay with his name being "Derek", but I'd like to change his last name.
"Hana Sakamichi". I may keep this name, because she at least has a reason to be Japanese, but I might as well mention her.
"Kekio Suzaki". I'll be changing her first name to "Kelly", but I don't know about her last name. For reference, she will be Derek's cousin, so their last name can be the same or the different.

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