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Xenomorph Cards


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  1. 1. Who do you think will win the PremierLeague?


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brilliant cards alien is cool

can u do predetor aswell?




(p.s. you put 2 triple posts' date=' 3 double posts and a quadruple post)



Actually I am thinking about making some Predator cards but they are more difficult to make because there are no particular sub-species, but then again I can always try. Here is a WIPPredator.jpg


Tell me what you think of it.


And to answer your p.s: I do, indeed, repost my cards once in a while, usually to make either spelling and grammar corrections or to make them more balanced.

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Xenomorph dog should be an earth and man your the best beginner here all the other newbies are well noobie they usually post in the wrong section well im gonna give you a 19/10 if that was possible just for that im gonna give you a rep


Thank you so much for the rep. It is truly an honour to recieve one of them.

I'll change the elemental of X-dog if everybody else thinks so.


All in favor of X-dog being Earth say: I!

All not in favor of X-dog being Earth say: Nay!

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Alright if Im correct, then you have to take the original picture in a paint document. Then use the fill with color option to make the original beground white. Then drag the pic of the xenomorph onto the backround you want it to be on. Remember to go under the image file go all the way down and uncheck draw opague.

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