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[Finished]Sora's Epic 2012 Series (Finished, please lock this and any "Sora's Epic Series" contest)


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Well, the thing that I thought was wrong with the Turn Monsters was that they seemed a bit...slow. They didn't seem like they would stick with the meta, they'd just be left behind, except for a few OP ones that Konami would make to spite us. That, and most of the support I could foresee them being given would be gimmicky, i.e. "Turn Mover: Spell/Normal; Draw 1 card, move the turn count ahead by 4". See what I mean? As for feeback, proper feedback for every single submission would take a long time, most of which would be a waste because not everyone wants feedback on their cards. I'm more than happy to provide feedback if it's requested, but otherwise I'm gonna assume that you're fine with my judgment. Oh, did I forget to give your WIND cards feedback? Shoot. Ok, lemme find em first.

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