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[Finished]Sora's Epic 2012 Series (Finished, please lock this and any "Sora's Epic Series" contest)


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Hello everyone! I am going to be hosting the most EPIC contest series of 2012 ever. Here's the lowdown:

[spoiler='Some Nice Background']This series will take place over the course of the rest of the year, and it will feature eight 1-week contests that give rewards in the form of series points, and some of them will be worth more points than others. Whoever has the most series points at the end wins (duh!). If you would like to know the themes of the contests in advance, PM me and I'd be happy to tell ya. Each contest will be given its own thread, but this is the thread to go to for questions, comments, concerns, etc. regarding the seriesg as a whole. Every contest thread will have "Sora's Epic Series" in the title.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='The Rules']1. Entry fee is a minimum of 30 points. You may, however, contribute more points to the pot.
2. You do not have to do each individual contest, even though skipping out on one is not recommended, but you must still pay 30 points to participate in the series as a whole.
3. [s]There will be no more than 10 11 contestants. If there are fewer than 10 11 contestants in the middle of the contest, you may donate points and sign up[/s]. f*** it, no contestants limit.
4. For any of the 5 contests. please post your submissions in the respective contest thread. If you do not do so, your entry will not be judged.
5. For any given contest, you will have until Friday to submit your entry. Judging will occur during the weekend, and results and the next contest theme will be announced on Monday.
6. Common sense. Don't be a dumbass.
7. I reserve the right to disqualify members if they do not comply with these rules. Points will be returned if this happens.
8. If you would like to drop out, then post your request in this thread, or else YOUR POINTS WILL NOT BE RETURNED. K?
9. I reserve the right to make new rules.
10. Please check this thread every now and again. Updates will be posted here.

To prove you read this, post your favorite TCG archetype in your post.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='End of Series Prizes']*First Place: 2/3 of the pot and 3 reps.
*Second Place: 1/3 of the pot and 2 reps
*Third Place: 2 Reps[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Contestants']1.Beginning446- 25 points
2.newhat- 24 points
3.AixDavidas- 18 points
4.AznKvn- 17 points
5.Striker- 33 points
6.Tama the Chibi Sage- 4 points
7.Johnhabbib25- 10 points
11.Spike the Bloody- 18 points

[spoiler='The First Contest']You will be making 1 level 7 synchro monster and 1 level 6 synchro monster.

First: 7 points
Second: 5 points
Third Place: 4 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='The Second Contest']Great job to all who participated in the first contest! It's always bugged me that our meta relies far too heavily on spamming a crapload of monsters without any player-player interaction whatsoever. Your job is to create an archetype. The catch? Only 2 of the cards can have "Special summon" in their card text and there can be no extra deck monsters.

First: 15 points
Second: 12 points
Third: 8 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='The Third Contest']Our previous contest was worth a crapload of points because it was probably the most challenging contest in the series. This next one will (hopefully) be a bit easier. LIGHT and DARK have too much damn support, in my opinion, and it's really not fair to the other attributes. Your task is to create 5 support cards for FIRE, WATER, WIND, or EARTH and give the one you choose an extra edge in gameplay. These 5 support cards will be: one spell/trap card, one main deck boss, one extra deck monster, two main deck monsters, and another card of your choice.

First: 10 points
Second: 8 points
Third: 5 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='The Fourth Contest']You will be making 1 staple spell and 1 staple trap card. Make sure that they're splashable in ALL decks!

First:10 points
Second: 8 points
Third: 5 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='The Fifth Contest']You'll be taking 2 banned cards and balancing them by adding your own unique card maker flare.

First: 10 points
Second: 8 points
Third: 5 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='The Final Contest']You will be making a new type of extra deck monster for the future!

First: 12 points
Second: 10 points
Third: 7 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='The Pot']581 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Anouncements']*November 19th: The first contest is up! Here's the thread: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/293162-soras-epic-series-contest-1/"]http://forum.yugiohc...ries-contest-1/[/url]
November 26th: The second contest it up! Here's the thread: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/293460-soras-epic-series-contest-2/"]http://forum.yugiohc...ries-contest-2/[/url]
December 3rd: The third contest is up! Here's the thread: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/293784-soras-epic-series-contest-3/"]http://forum.yugiohc...ries-contest-3/[/url]
December 10th: Here's the fourth one! [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/294166-soras-epic-series-contest-4/"]http://forum.yugiohc...ries-contest-4/[/url]
December 11th: Sora can't do mental math, haha. Turns out we will be having 6 contests, not 5.
December 17th: The fifth contest is up! Here's the thread: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/294502-soras-epic-series-contest-5/"]http://forum.yugiohc...ries-contest-5/[/url]
December 21st: Due to YCM being down for a few days, the deadline to my 5th contest has been extended to midnight Sunday.
December 28th: The final contest is up! Here's the thread: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/294895-soras-epic-series-the-ultimate-finale/"]http://forum.yugiohc...ltimate-finale/[/url]

Good luck everyone! :)

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Lol, also for the prizes spoiler you should put Final Prizes so people don't confuse it as this contest's prizes.
[spoiler= My Entries]
[spoiler=Lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non Tuner monsters
Activate this effect if this card was destroyed by your opponent's card: When your opponent's monster declares a direct attack, you can Special Summon this card from the Graveyard and return that monster to its owner's Deck. If this effect was activated, banish this card when it is removed from the field (ignore all other card effects on the field).[/spoiler]
I edited this one a little to it can't be abused with imperial iron wall.

[spoiler=Lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non Tuner monsters
When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can equip it to this card instead of sending it to the Graveyard (max. 2). If this card would be destroyed, you can send a card equipped to this to the Graveyard instead. This card gains 100 ATK for each card equipped to it by its effect.[/spoiler]
Brio replacement, anyone? Also, I lied a little cuz this never done entered in a contest.

I'm pretty sure you saw these before. I hope they can compete ^^.[/spoiler]

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First off, those are vanillas with nothing on em. Secondly, I believe I said before that submissions to each individual contest go to the corresponding contest thread, which I will make on Monday. Today and tomorrow are 2 days for people to sign up before the contest begins.

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