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The best and the worst legendary Pokemon?


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Best: Gotta love Shaymin.
Worst: Phione in terms of stats, although it's still debatable as to whether or not it's even a legendary, so I'd go for Regigigas otherwise.

[quote name='Larxene' timestamp='1353607667' post='6075650']
Worst: Keldeo. What is this fuckin' My Little Pony bullshit doing in my god damn Pokemon game.

Sigged. Thank you for that.

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[u]Personal Best/Worst[/u]
Best: Dialga. First Legendary I ever caught, and fukin Roar of Time mayn!
[quote name='Larxene' timestamp='1353607667' post='6075650']
Worst: Keldeo. What is this fuckin' My Little Pony bullshit doing in my god damn Pokemon game.

Best: Tie between Kyogre and Arceus for me. Kyogre is just a baws, and if you know the type of pokemon you're most likely gonna end up fighting and you have the right Plate, plus some TMs, Arceus makes for a customizable son of a b****.
Worst: Phione...just...Phione...

Best: Gimme dat Darkrai mayn. I just love it.
Worst: Heatran. Looks f***ed up.

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[quote name='Spike the Bloody' timestamp='1353885557' post='6077947']
Best: Dialga. First Legendary I ever caught, and fukin Roar of Time mayn!

:o Did you not get Pokémon Blue/Red/Yellow? Oh man, you missed it! The awesome feeling of catching that badass Motherfoop that was Mewtwo for the first time.

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Best: All of them 'cept Keldeo
[i]I am rather a fan of all the legendary Pokemon except the pony. I have all of them in PC boxes except for Jirachi.[/i]
[quote name='Larxene' timestamp='1353607667' post='6075650']
Worst: Keldeo. What is this fuckin' My Little Pony bullshit doing in my god damn Pokemon game.
[i]Exactly what Larxene said. MLP character does not need to be in Pokemon. [/i]

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