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Written In The Stars - Constellars


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How does this even function?

-3 Shining Angel [Self-explanatory as to why this is garbage.]
-2 Constellar Rescha [Tribute Summoming? Ew.]
-2 Hawwa [Meh, you can keep if you want, not really amazing in any way though.]
-2 Shooting Star [Bad.]
-1 Duality [Why only run 1? Why run it at all in this deck?]
-2 Call of the Haunted [Doesn't trigger anything, just bad revival that becomes an annoying floater]
-2 Super Rebirth [Bad.]

+1 Pollux [Why are you only running 2? 3 for MAX consistency]
+3 Sombres [Amazing! Combos well with Kaust & Algedi]
+1 Schet [Combos very well with Kaust, Pollux, etc.]
+1 MST [Why the heck would you only run 1? Run 2 minimum.]
+2 Sheratan [Should be run at 3. Searches out your combo pieces. Combos great with Leo for early Messier]
+1 Firedance - Tenki [Optional, searches Kaust]
+1 Monster Reborn [Why aren't you running this]?
+1 RotA [Optional, searches your Pollux's]
+2 Effect Veiler [Self-explanatory]
+1 Ghost Ship [Only if you insist on running CyDra]
+1 Solemn Warning [Run at 2 or 0. 1 is almost always guranteed to get MST'd]

Extra Deck
-2 Adreus, Keeper of Armegeddon [Tiras is so much better].
-1 Photon Strike Bounzer [You won't be making any Rank 6s]

+1 Photon Papillioperative [Flips face downs, gets rid of Reapers, Honest target. Very good card.]
+1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn [Gets rid of Gachi, Maestroke, Zenmaines, Reapers, Marshmallon etc. Plus, that burn]
+1 Photon Paladius [Very easy to make, gets over bigger monsters, Honest target +1 when it dies.]
+1 Number 16: Shock Master [Optional. You probably won't make it too much but it helps when you do. Plus it's an Honest target.]

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