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I Floop the Pig

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Quite a few changes could be made, I know. This is a preliminary deck list. I thought that Sentinel might be a good card for the deck considering it would have 2000 ATK after popping. I want help making this a 41 card deck max, as well.
For those who don't know, Leontaurus is in the deck, as well as Cactus Bouncer and Terror Fang in the Extra Deck.

Some thoughts. What are yours?
- Another Seal
- Another Sentinel
- Starlight Road / second Revolution
- Some form of destruction

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Sadly, I already have enough cards that deal with battle and attacking. The deck doesn't have a lot of destruction, is the main issue right now. I also posted an edited version from after I tested it.

Anywho, the pun is supposed to be that it's a corn deck, and destroying my "corn field" (Gaia Power) will end up killing my deck.

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