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Suggestion for YCM to help him make Xyzs.


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This is a message for YCMaker to help him impliment an Xyz Monster. (I never participated in making the YCM site, but I often do programming and thought this might help.)


If it`s hard to make the Xyz option from scratch, here`s what I recommend:


Duplicate the Synchro option. Then, replace the Level Stars with Rank Stars and the white background to black.

We can then change the positions of the Rank Stars to starting-at-left, and change the text to white (so we can read it). Finally, the Xyz option is still named "Synchro", since we duplicated it, right? We should lastly change it to "Xyz".



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Guest - Neo -

Let me simplify this for you real quick.


I don't doubt for a second that YCMaker knows how to design Xyz's, especially if he was able to code the Card Maker and some members on this site can design their own Xyz Templates. Putting two and two together wouldn't be that difficult. The fact is he doesn't give two fucks about the site as a whole because he still makes money from it regardless.


This idea has been suggested more times than you have post count.

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Guest Reborn Black

... How the hell did that happen, I told it to lock as I posted O_o


Damn ninjas getting in here before the lock but after my post that should have been simultaneous...

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