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The First Deck I Ever Had

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This was the "final version" of the deck, because I do not remember the very first version since it was so long ago. For the purpose of making this a legal topic, I will make it not a 112 card deck like it was, but a 45-card deck with just the main horrible cards I could remember, and none of the cards that were at that time not banned.

Feel free to talk about how badly this would have defeated your first deck ;3

Monsters - 25
[1]Dark Magician
[1]Dark Magician Knight
[1]Black Tyranno
[1]Dark Magician Girl
[1]Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
[1]Granmarg the Rock Monarch
[3]Giant Germ
[1]Goblin Attack Force
[1]Giant Orc
[1]Mystic Tomato
[1]Bazoo the Soul Eater
[1]Dark Jeroid
[1]Obnoxious Celtic Guard
[1]Yomi Ship
[1]Breaker the Magical Warrior
[1]Big Eye
[1]Amazoness Paladin
[1]Revival Jam

Spells - 12
[1]Monster Reborn (Was Premature Burial)
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Mystical Space Typhoon
[1]Philosopher's Stone
[1]Knight's Title
[1]Lightning Vortex
[1]Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
[1]Axe of Despair
[1]Smashing Ground
[1]Rush Recklessly
[1]Swords of Revealing Light

Traps - 8 (( Could not remember very many traps I played ))
[2]Sakuretsu Armor
[1]Covering Fire
[1]Call of the Haunted
[1]Negate Attack
[1]Ready for Intercepting
[1]A Rival Appears!

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