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It's too hot to control! [Enthusiastic King Firestar]


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So it looks like Firestars got a complete revamp from Battle Phase trolls to Tour Guide central, I'm not sure I incorporated the new cards well though, thoughts?

[b][u]Monsters (17)[/u][/b]
3 Enthusiastic Beast King Bearman
3 Enthusiastic Beast King Wolfbark
2 Dark Firestar - Yushi
2 Brave Firestar - Ensho
3 Firestar Master - Chouten
2 Steadfast Firestar - Tokei
2 Great Firestar - Hawkei

[b][u]Spells (15)[/u][/b]
3 Firedance - Tenki
3 Firedance - Tensu
2 Onslaught of the Fire Kings
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Foolish Burial

[b][u]Traps ( 8 )[/u][/b]
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Firedance - Tenken
3 Firedance - Tensen
1 Starlight Road

[b][u]Extra (15)[/u][/b]
1 Enthusiastic Coaching King Giantrainer
3 Firestar King - Soko
2 Firestar Emperor - Choraio
2 Firestar Marquis - Hoshin
1 No. 39 Aspiring Emperor Hope
1 Diawolf the Terrorfang
1 Photon Butterfly Assassin
1 Symphony Djinn Maestroke
1 No. 16 Shock Ruler
1 No. 17 Leviathan Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon

And yes, I prefer their less animalistic names.

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I have that feeling too, but I kinda got around it when I started to become more searchy. Here's the build I run:

I don't do Starlight road and I maxed out both Yushi and Ensho for that 1 for 1 removal. Starlight Road I need to find room for...but to be honest, even if they heavy me, it's not that bad since I just go Choten into plays.

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