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Macro Monarch

Sunn O)))

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3 D.D. Survivor
3 Doomcaliber Knight
3 Snowman Eater
2 Raiza the Storm Monarch
2 Caius the Shadow Monarch
2 Breaker the Magical Warrior (Filler until I get 2 Thunder King Rai-Oh)
1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
1 Spirit Reaper

3 Dimensional Fissure
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Forbidden Lance
2 Pot of Duality
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole

2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Macro Cosmos
2 Solemn Warning
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

2 King Tiger Wanghu
1 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Morphing Jar
1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
1 Card Destruction
2 Soul Taker
2 Horn of Heaven
1 Mind Crush

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Take out Helios, use 3 macro, and 2 dimensional fissure. I would replace all the d.d survivors for scout plane or use at least 1 survivor and 2 or 3 scout plane. I say this because survivor has to be face up on the field in order for his effect to activate. If you mill him, and he gets banished, he doesn't come back at end phase. Scout plane comes back no matter how he's banished. (One tip or trick for macro decks is to use gold sarch and banish necroface getting it's eff.) My friend has a macro deck and he runs chaos zone, which is good for special summoning monsters from either players banished cards. Take out one MST and put in a heavy storm.

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Take out Helios he is not necessary add Necroface for he is a deity. Take out book (it does nothing for you in this build) and the Huge revolution is over and go with Starlight Roads. Yes that means you have stardust and therefore you have an extra deck. I personally support and Eatos based build than this antimeta thing here but whatever to each his own.

First, think though you NEVER get rid of Survivor. He's an 1800 beatstick that can revive himself. If you mill him and he gets banished well that just sucks but its the decks staple.

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I used locals to test this deck. I went 2-2. I will remove Helios and 1 Monarch, probably a Caius. I did not like Necroface in this deck. 3 Macro Cosmos is bad because it can be negated by Solemn Warning. I don't see the point in running Chaos Zone, D.D. Scout Plane or Heavy Storm in this deck. I got traded all my Stardust Dragons, for now I'll continue to use The Huge Revolution is Over.

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