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You've activated my trap!


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This is just something I thought of real quick. Respond to the person above you and negate their trap with yours while giving an anime explanation of your trap. They obviously can just be stupid things you just thought of. It should go something like this:
OP(This post): I activate Forum Game! This allows me to start a thread!

Person 1: Not so fast, I'll use my face-down, Mod-Powers! This allows me to lock your thread!

Person 2: Oh, you're wrong. Reverse card activate, Host Site Slowdown! This slows down the site so much so that even the mods are unable to get in!
And so on and so forth. So, let's begin.

I activate Monster Reborn. With this, I get to Special Summon my Introduction Post from the Graveyard.

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I activate "A Friend In Need", it summons any monster from my hand to help me stand up. I summon Tree Otter! It also gives my hamster 1000 more ATK to chomp down on the trap and ending this chain. I use "Trip 'n Fall" to make you fall over the cliff and ... die I guess....

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