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digimon role play plz join


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"Sealsdramon, on Liomon, use the secret pride of combat attack," Sealsdramon leaps onto Liomon and they move so fast you can barely see them and in 5 seconds only Shakkoumon is left of the invasion but Sealsdramon and Liomon are out of commission, "think you can handle there boss?"

Also the digivice is on the floor since Shakkoumon is the only one left and he is to big to have token it

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"ok go crysalismon data cannon" shakkukumon reveted to digiegg

"few glad thats over with"

suddtly a figure walks over

"k.....k...kenzi!!!!!!!! is that you!!!"

"why yes yes it is good job everyone"

we all head back to the hidout in apocalamons castle


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i raise my hand once where in the castle "excuse me but, we had a full scale invasion and he just so happens to show up after it... isn't that just you know suspicious anyone, fine, ill be seeing how my friends Taprimon (rookie form of Kimeramon who is now mege) and Hagurumon (rookie form of Macinedramon) leaves (his allowwed to hatch them and such as long as he doesn't digivolve them into milleniummon

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well...why would arka need a pure soul, and if he does i think he should use Liomon and Sealsdramon as bodyguards, i can use Taprimon and Hagurumon here (Milleniumon was his best friend though he found Leormon and Commandramon first

ooc:since you want me to need 4 digimon to make chaosmon, wouldn't that make him ultimatechaosmon and superchaosmon would be something else

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