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[Finished]Type-specific Contest


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Hello, and welcome. The idea for this contest will be to select a type from those provided, and make a set based on it.

[spoiler='Rules'] 1: No spamming. Posts must be relative to the contest.

2: No disrespect towards me, or other contestants.

3: Rules may be added as time goes on.

4: Any number of cards can be made, as long the minimum requirement is met

5: Only [b]ONE[/b] contestant per type

6: First come, first serve

7: Deadline: Nov. 20

8: To prove that you have read and abide by the rules, type your favorite color before your post. [/spoiler]

Entree Fee: 5 points

[spoiler='Minimum Card Requirements'] 2 Normal Effect monsters

1 Fusion monster

1 Ritual Monster with supporting Ritual Summon Spell card

1 Additional Spell card

1 Trap card

1 Field Card

1 additional card of your choice [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Types'] 1: Dragon [open]

2: Warrior [open]

3: Beast-Warrior [open]

4: Rock [open]

5: Fiend [open] [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Prizes'] 1st Place: 10 Points

2nd place: 7 Points

3rd Place: 5 Points [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Contestants'] [/spoiler]

And remember: ENJOY!!!!! :)

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[quote name='Xi-3' timestamp='1352241785' post='6062469']
So all the Monster Cards have to be of the same Type? I've never done that before. Let me think about it.

Yes they do.

[quote name='AixDivadis' timestamp='1352241973' post='6062481']
I personally think the stakes are awfully low for a contest that requires so many cards.

That is why the entree fee is only 5 points

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