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Don't forget to vote.


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For those of you of legal age in the United States I'm sure you're very aware that tomorrow at 8PM local time your ballot boxes will be sealed off and the tallies will begin to be counted. This election is an important one - the next POTUS will likely be able to pick 2 Supreme Court Justices (who serve for life, until THEY decide it's time to step down) and the courts are the longest-lasting and ultimate say on nearly every prevalent issue. From equal rights to freedom of information and net neutrality, a lot is at stake.


Please vote, no matter who your preferred candidate is. That's all. Happy November the 5th.

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Guest Lujan Solo

I can't vote. I can say one thing though, the Olympic and Oscar trends point to Obama winning, but the Redskin Rule says Romney. Let's just wait and see what Vigo county says.

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Guest - Neo -

I will certainly vote, though I'm not sure if I'm going to go in the morning or at night, because I don't want to wait in ridiculous lines.


Really only voting because the guy who owns a local card shop around here is running for School Committee, and he's such a nice guy who really deserves the position, so I want to help him out.


Both Presidential candidates are pretty terrible, so basically just hoping Obama holds it so I don't have to pay ridiculous amounts of money to continue going to school with s*** Romney in office.

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Guest Fusion X. Denver

This'll be my first time voting, so I'm psyched for it.


I took this test online putting in my stances on issues; I agreed with Obama on 64% of them and Romney 61%. So basically I'll be okay with whoever wins.

But I'm still voting Obama and I'm not basing my stance entirely on that test's results, mainly because social issues are one of the most important things to me and I do not see eye-to-eye with Romney at all in that regard.

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Guest Fusion X. Denver

I feel so stupid; I thought you had to vote for every position on the ballot based on something my friend said (which I misconstrued), so I ended up filling in all the Democrat circles for all the positions despite not knowing any of the other names on there aside from the presidential candidates.

It feels like I abused my power somehow...


But hey, what really matters to me is the president, and I voted what I felt was the right choice, so all good there.

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To those of you who voted, thank you for exercising your right to do so. To those of you who didn't, I hope you will in the future. Not just because your vote counts for an election, but it also solidifies your presence as a demographic so that when something you do care about comes along you're heard and respected as you deserve.


That being said, I am proud and honored to have Barack Obama as my president for the next 4 years.

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