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Duelist Club

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I know that card' date='

it has a deck based around it.


Yeah, and it's TOTALLY not the deck I just owned Raigekii with...


That could get itself a Two Turn Kill... Power Bond' date=' DNA Surgery, Chimeratech at 8000+, then De-Fusion


Lol, Diamond Dude with Chimeratech?

Lol, Two Turn Kill.


DDT's OTK is usually something like:

Draw cards.

Mill cards.

Discard DS-PB for a couple of card removals / whatever.

Return DS-PB, and RFP your monsters.

D-Fusion for game.

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It clutters up the forum too. And if you're dueling correctly, you can't do your whole turn in one post. There are such things as Trap Cards you know. You opponent can chain them to just about everything you can do. Say you summon a monster and your opponent uses Bottomless Trap Hole. That one monster being removed from play would affect your whole turn. Or in this case, your whole post. This is why AIM/MSN, chatrooms, YVD, and GK are good. You are able to stop your opponent in the middle of their turn so you can use your Traps, Quick-Play Spells, and Monster Effects.

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