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[Finished]Quick Draw Cards!


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Hey everyone, I'm making a contest on quick draw cards!

Quick draw cards makes you draw by activatng effect monsters, spells, and traps.

Spell cards are common, so try your best to make trap drawing cards!


The effect can have ANYTHING else, but must include YOU drawing at least 1 card.

Max cards are 3.

No copy.

Must have a picture that represents the effect.

Be creative on how you draw the card.

Ok so I will be waiting. I will make a Top 10 (If i get enough).

Prizes for top 3:

3rd: Liked on 5 topics, follow person, and if have a Youtube Account a sub. 5 Points

2nd: Same above, but dubed. And sub on youtube, like on many videos, shout out. 10 Points

1st: Everything above. Card shown on winner, Card on Youtube, 20 Points


I canceled the contest because 1st of all, I am busy, and second of all I need 8 more. Sorry for a long wait for this response. :c

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  • 2 weeks later...

this its my card [img]http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/ycmaker/createcard.php?name=7th%20Draw&cardtype=Trap&subtype=normal&attribute=Light&level=1&magictraptype=None&rarity=Ultra%20Rare&picture=http://images.yugiohcardmaker.net/639479/378285957.png&set1=&set2=&inset=false&type=&description=both%20players%20send%20an%20Lv%207%20monster%20from%20their%20hand%20or%20deck%20to%20your%20opponents%20graveyard%2C%0Athen%20draw%201%20card%20each.%20draw%201%20more%20if%20.%0Ayou%20have%20the%20monster%20in%20your%20hand%20that%20your%20opponent%20chosen%2C%20both%20chosen%20the%20same%20monster%0A%2Cyou%20have%20seven%20monster%20cards%20in%20the%20grave.&circulation=&atk=&def=&creator=&year=2012&serial=77777777[/img]

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Your card has tons of OCG(Official Card Grammar) errors and the effect does not make sense. And, that is not the way to post cards. If you made the card on YCMaker, after you finished it, click on the card. You will get a link below it. Copy the link(it should be of imageshack). Click on the Image button(The 1 below the Smiley and the Text) and post the link you copied over there. Delete the "[img]" and "[/img]" from the start and end and click OK. That should post your cards normally.And seriously, try to make cards which are more realistic and which follow OCG.

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[quote name='SynchroTuner' timestamp='1352726757' post='6067444']
Here is 1 card-

[spoiler= 1st Card]
[/quote]Kind of broken.

[quote name='Mushroombie!' timestamp='1353506670' post='6074799']
this its my card [img]http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/ycmaker/createcard.php?name=7th%20Draw&cardtype=Trap&subtype=normal&attribute=Light&level=1&magictraptype=None&rarity=Ultra%20Rare&picture=http://images.yugiohcardmaker.net/639479/378285957.png&set1=&set2=&inset=false&type=&description=both%20players%20send%20an%20Lv%207%20monster%20from%20their%20hand%20or%20deck%20to%20your%20opponents%20graveyard%2C%0Athen%20draw%201%20card%20each.%20draw%201%20more%20if%20.%0Ayou%20have%20the%20monster%20in%20your%20hand%20that%20your%20opponent%20chosen%2C%20both%20chosen%20the%20same%20monster%0A%2Cyou%20have%20seven%20monster%20cards%20in%20the%20grave.&circulation=&atk=&def=&creator=&year=2012&serial=77777777[/img]
[quote name='Mushroombie!' timestamp='1353506670' post='6074799']
this its my card [img]http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/ycmaker/createcard.php?name=7th%20Draw&cardtype=Trap&subtype=normal&attribute=Light&level=1&magictraptype=None&rarity=Ultra%20Rare&picture=http://images.yugiohcardmaker.net/639479/378285957.png&set1=&set2=&inset=false&type=&description=both%20players%20send%20an%20Lv%207%20monster%20from%20their%20hand%20or%20deck%20to%20your%20opponents%20graveyard%2C%0Athen%20draw%201%20card%20each.%20draw%201%20more%20if%20.%0Ayou%20have%20the%20monster%20in%20your%20hand%20that%20your%20opponent%20chosen%2C%20both%20chosen%20the%20same%20monster%0A%2Cyou%20have%20seven%20monster%20cards%20in%20the%20grave.&circulation=&atk=&def=&creator=&year=2012&serial=77777777[/img]
[/quote]This doesn't really impress me. Make better picture and use better grammer for the effect. Also, be sure to read out your effect carfully, or else many people who see it would be confused. Take time on what you made, and you will get somewhere.

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[quote name='Royal Paladin' timestamp='1354290761' post='6081605']
Here's my card, I hope it isn't too broken:


Did you mean ONLY trap cards that draw? Because I just did a monster, just asking... even though it's too late, isn't it...?

@Royal Paladin

Okay, I'll be reviewing your card even though it isn't my contest. First- Spirit monsters cannot be Special Summoned! Where is that part? 2nd- You put the condition of that card that it returns to your hand during the end phase in the beginning. Check this card for the format and order in which you have to write the effect- [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tsukuyomi"]http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tsukuyomi[/url] . Also, try to make the card with correct OCG(Official Card Grammar) which you will probably learn in a few days of staying on YCM and playing the game. Check threads and new cards for the OCG. Also, if the text is too small, you should copy-paste the effect of the card below it.

I don't think Spirits should have this effect of setting them face-down instead of returning them to the hand. One more thing, what happens to the banished card? I don't think cards are supposed to stay banished face-down permanently. There are only a few cards which banish face-down, like Different Dimension Capsule, and they have a time limit after which either it returns to the hand or something else to make it face-up again.
Nice card, love the picture which is very cute. But this card is like a once per turn draw engine which cannot be destroyed by battle, since it returns to your hand which will actually be more profitable than setting it again. Have a strong monster on the field, summon it, draw, return it to hand, and repeat for infinite draw cards, except if stopped via Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn, etc. So yes it's OP, broken, but nice. :)

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