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[DN / Chance Format] Scraps, I think


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You'll want Lance, Stardust, and Soul Taker. One for One destruction is the main way of gaining Advantage in this format. All those help, or prevent your opponents from doing it.

Oh yeah I would say Corn, but Dark End does its job better. So Maestoke. The fact it can survive two blows means it can live to to actually damage, and it goes well as a combo piece.

Shard of Greed also works bizarely. There is no real back row hate, so it can be used fairly easily for the double draw.

So personally from what I've found playing Scraps in this:
- Grandsoil
- 2 Reckless
- 1 Level Eater
-1 Scrap Archfiend (Extra deck beaters are cruddy in this, ones that have none battle related effects shine through)
-1 Grungir maybe? (I've never tried it in my build so no clue)

+2 Lance
+2 Soul Taker
+1 Stardust.
+1 Maestroke.

No clue about waht to put in for Shard of Greed.. but its a personal choice. I find it helpful when you need other consitency methods.

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