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Frog Deck Help


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Okay, here I go~

-3 Unifrog
-2 Trade Toad
-2 Flip Flop Frog
-1 Snowman Eater
-1 Cryomancer
-2 Dewdarc
-2 Submarine frog

Thise monsters are unneeded. Frrogs can be faster. Here are the monsters to add:

+1 Oblisk
+1 Ronintiadin
+1 Swap frog
+2 Sea lancer
+1 Treeborn
+2 Caius the shadow monarch
+1 Light and Darkness dragon
+1 Sangan
+3 Poison Draw frog(Lancer target plus something for ronintoadin)
+1 Effect veilor

-3 Wetlands(Stops Treeborn)
-1 Solidarity(See wetlands)
-1 Inferno Reckless Summon
-1 Moray of greed
-1 Duality
And all traps

+1 salvage
+1 MST
+3 Creature swap (For them weak froggz)
+3 Enemy Controller (Chain to trreborn comeing back during the standby phase with it, then take their monster, get treeborn frogghy back)
+2 Soul exchange(Makes opponents monsters tribute fodder)
+1 Foolish Burial

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