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Obama VS Romney

Garthfunkle Vii Backwards

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15 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win?

  2. 2. Who will lose?

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Just write in Santorum for the fun of it xD


But honestly, Obama is going to win and then Obama is going to lose


Historically speaking, Presidents usually do worse in their second term. Let's see if Obama can prove that false

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Cant vote, I'm british. And I think Obama probably will win, though Mitt's doing annoyingly well. I hope Obama wins. To be honest, he's a good president, better than the Bushes and such. And he's done quite a bit. I've never been a fan of Republican's either.

But yeah, if I could vote, t'would be for Obama. And Obama should win, I think.


PS: iKira, you've said Obama's gonna win and he's gonna lose. O.o

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PS: iKira, you've said Obama's gonna win and he's gonna lose. O.o

I know what I said


If he wins, he might ultimately end up losing


EDIT: DaWeirdGuy, you follow American politics surprisingly well for someone not even in the country. I know of plenty of people IN OUR OWN COUNTRY who would just flip a coin rather than pay attention to the news and make an educated decision.

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Obama is going to win and Florida is going to back him. I should know. I have done some investigating.


I truly believe to my utmost integrity, that anyone who believes that Mitt Romney is a better presidential candidate, has not really paid any attention to his actual views at all. Or they like Chaos.

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I think it's just a case of everyone worrying until election night when everyone says they knew all along


Just like with McCain and Obama in '08


And even then, McCain was more of an actual worry since Obama didn't have the incumbent advantage that he has now


'16 I predict however that it'll be a Republican who wins should Obama fail to fix our economical problems now (and thereby proving current Republican right in the economical sector)



I think Obama will win on Tuesday, but it's not like I fully support him or anything. It's just the most realistic outcome

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I can't vote since I'm not yet 18, but if I was, I'd vote Obama. I don't like Romney (or Paul Ryan) and I don't agree with most of his stances, especially his stance on gay marriage and abortion. I like Obama and, personally, think he is a very good president, at least when compared to the last few presidents we have had. I do think and hope Obama wins the election, but I am shitting myself thinking Romney might win. I really wish I was two years older so I could vote.


If Romney wins, I'm moving to England or Ireland or something. xD

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Predicting that Romney will win, and I admit, a change of pace wouldn't be a bad thing, but I'm still probably voting for Obama. (Or doing a throwaway vote.)



Obama is currently projected to win.


I support Obama but seeing as how Ney York is going to vote for him anyway I see no need to vote.

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Obama is currently projected to win.


I support Obama but seeing as how Ney York is going to vote for him anyway I see no need to vote.

That's a pretty bad way to support Obama

Honestly, you should vote Obama if you truly support him.


I'm a just shot of the age to vote so I just have to site here and watch what you adults will setup for the next four years


until of course Julius Ceasar reborn comes in and takes over the Senate and House of Reps and everyone worships him for it

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Obama was not as great as he said, but we have to consider the state that Bush left the country's economy on. It has been holding together at least. Plus Romney is kinda losing the vote of Mexicans, and as a US born Mexican, I can't follow him. On top of already disliking Republican's way of doing things.


I'd say Obama.

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That's a pretty bad way to support Obama

Honestly, you should vote Obama if you truly support him.


I'm a just shot of the age to vote so I just have to site here and watch what you adults will setup for the next four years


until of course Julius Ceasar reborn comes in and takes over the Senate and House of Reps and everyone worships him for it

I honestly do not see a point in voting when the state you live in is already locked to vote for someone. My vote does not matter in New York because Romney can not win in this state. As such I never registered to vote, so even if I wanted to now I could not.

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It IS true though, that the US doesn't actually make every single vote count.

Everything is distributed in zones within each state. Once a zone has made someone won by the tiniest margins, it counts as if 100% of the people voted for the winner, making the points count that way. It is a system that can lend itself for smart manipulation.

It degrades individual votes.... it's interesting.

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It IS true though, that the US doesn't actually make every single vote count.

Everything is distributed in zones within each state. Once a zone has made someone won by the tiniest margins, it counts as if 100% of the people voted for the winner, making the points count that way. It is a system that can lend itself for smart manipulation.

It degrades individual votes.... it's interesting.


But if you count everyone's votes equally, such as how Britain sort of does it (not exactly, but similarly. We thought about actually doing it), then you end up with what we've got, a Coalition (though the US cant really have that, with two parties), where nothing happens, because the leaders all have different Ideas. We've got Liberal Democrats and Conservatives working together in power over here, and nothing's getting done because of it.

But we're rather apathetic in britain, so we just carry on. It's sort of stable at the moment, so we're fine.


EDIT: DaWeirdGuy, you follow American politics surprisingly well for someone not even in the country. I know of plenty of people IN OUR OWN COUNTRY who would just flip a coin rather than pay attention to the news and make an educated decision.


I follow lots of politics. Doesn't really interest me, but it's good to know what kind of s*** hole the world is gonna fall down. XD I like knowledge, and politics can give me knowledge.

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