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Azazel's Current Deck! [for some reason?]

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[Spoiler=old version 2.0]
[Spoiler=Old Version 1.0]
Any Ideas?

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[quote name='Wildflame' timestamp='1351904763' post='6059915']
Wow, that's a flat deck. Eh..., I dunno, it looks extremely random tbh, lots of different stuff going around.
It's a "Synchro/Xyz Spammer with Chaos for stomping your opponent" Deck

Eatos and halls allow to special summon a level 8 quickly and when you control 2 or more light monsters you can special summon order of light from your hand for quick rank 8 xyz sumon.

You can summon anything in the extra deck fairly easy (except number 11, he is slightly harder to get out but still possible)

Pot of avarice and A.O.D is for draw power.

Limit level area b and magical cylinders are your stall cards to keep your opponent off your back.

Royal decree stops your opponent from certain plays or any attempts to slow you down plus, this will not affect you as royal decree and magical cylinders are your only traps in your deck.

There is stuff (in the deck, extra deck and side deck to recycle you monsters for eatos and or to re-use later down the road of the duel.)

Strategy: keep spamming from your extra your synchro/xyz then battle you opponent loses lp via battle damage that is 8000 or greater = your victory

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1351915688' post='6060032']
Is imgur not "alternative" enough for you?
You don't need so many Level 3 Fiends in your Side Deck; focus on interrupting your opponent's strategy with things like System Down. Sword Breaker isn't very good.
I had to edit the pic to "zoom in"

(there only 3 level 3 fiend-type monsters in my side deck ilusory snatcher is a lv 7 fiend type monster) I was thinking about removing some of them for other card kinda wanna keep the tour buses though help recycle needed monster(s) back into the deck plus help out as a xyz material that shuffle a monster into the deck then pot of avarice for a possible no monster in your grave plus draw 2 cards

Sword breaker is good with your opponent is running a specific archtype like choase dragon or etc. it will kill the only type of monster they have instantly!, that's why it was sided in case I run into something like that

How would system down work? unless dna surgery was combined with it?

Some modifcation have been made ... please re-check!

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The image is better. I still wouldn't be able to read these cards if I needed to.

Pot of Avarice is not a card you can base your Deck around anymore because you'll only be able to use it once.

Sword Breaker isn't bad, just outclassed. Rank 6 Xyzes tend to get blown up rather than punched. You'd be better off with Inzektor Exa-Beetle for high ATK and cheap removal.

You use System Down in the Side Deck and add it to your Main Deck when your opponent's using Machine-Type monsters. I was suggesting dropping 1 Dark Resonator from that Side Deck for System Down.

Side three Kurivolt or side zero Kurivolt, and use a Rank 1 monster if you do.

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1351919756' post='6060060']
The image is better. I still wouldn't be able to read these cards if I needed to.
Pot of Avarice is not a card you can base your Deck around anymore because you'll only be able to use it once.
Sword Breaker isn't bad, just outclassed. Rank 6 Xyzes tend to get blown up rather than punched. You'd be better off with Inzektor Exa-Beetle for high ATK and cheap removal.
You use System Down in the Side Deck and add it to your Main Deck when your opponent's using Machine-Type monsters. I was suggesting dropping 1 Dark Resonator from that Side Deck for System Down.
Side three Kurivolt or side zero Kurivolt, and use a Rank 1 monster if you do.
Agreed, slightly better image
It is not based around it if given the chance can allow to put back monster in your deck that you might need plus draw 2
Transmigration prophecy, level eater and bls i can have a monster-free graveyard alot of the time!
It is put in there for the 2 draw effect really
I have not duel against someone who uses machines in quite some and would be somewhat so siding system down is like trying to side something like insect repellent
Dark resnator is sided if I need synchros more!
Tour bus is sided, if I need recycle monster more!
2 is the magic number for this deck and there no point in putting in a rank 1 xyz if i can not summon it 3 kuribolt would take up to munch space in the deck or side deck.
2 level eaters plus 2 kuribolt is just right if I do use kuribolt.

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