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What to do About Debates?

Legend Zero

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As you all know, the forum may or may not change its layout. I've been wondering as to what to do with Debates. It is obvious to anyone that the sub-section is dead, and has been for as long as I remember. As first I thought that it could be do to its positioning on the forum, but I think the bigger problem is that the members are (mostly) not suited for it. Our target audience is not mature enough to have a serious debate for more than a page or two.



So, please discuss the options below.



1. Remove the Debate Section

2. Move the Debate Section into a sub-forum of General, instead of under Polls

3. Leave it be

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Guest Hatcher

YCM can't even debate whether or not Metamorphosis deserves to be banned without resorting to name calling. I don't exactly have high hopes for YCM on issues such as abortion, gun control, or free will.

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I have been meaning to take a look at that at some point... I personally think it belongs more in general than in polls since a debate implies competitiveness at least to a small degree whilst a poll is just a collection of data. I tend to agree with hatcher though that a lot of people on this site are immature (be that due to personality or age) so removing it could also be a viable option depending on what goes on in there. Really it is up to the staff to determine what happens though so we'll just have to go with whatever you guys end up doing in the long run.

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Guest Archbaron Striker

Remove it. YCM as a whole puts way too much personal beliefs into debating without much of anything else in it.


Personal beliefs are relevant in debates, to an extent. I would rather make it a sub-forum of General, but getting rid of the sub-forum and allowing debates in General works as well.

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Personal beliefs are relevant in debates, to an extent. I would rather make it a sub-forum of General, but getting rid of the sub-forum and allowing debates in General works as well.

Of course, they usually shape how you look at things.

But when it is singularized, it is the only thing used in debates. Which is exactly why I said, "without much of anything else in it."

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At first, I was going to say option three. But, I have not been in the Debates section in awhile, so I took a look after reading other comments. Now, I'm entertaining option one. But, it all comes down to what you guys on the staff decide and whether or not you can handle the obvious "fights" that will erupt.


But, if you decide on options two/three, I suggest you do what Comrade said and re-work the rules governing that section.

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