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Puzzles: Prizes (New thread because old one locked)


Are the puzzles hard?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Are the puzzles hard?

    • No, they're fun!
    • They're too hard!
    • I enjoy them, but they're hard
    • Too easy and not fun

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If you've seen the Puzzles: Prizes thread, it just got locked. If mods know who/why, please post. Otherwise, I was about to post another puzzle, when... SHOCK HORROR!


Because of this I made another one so:


Puzzle 2a: Heroes Versus Cybers




Also, hand contains The Cheerful Coffin


Note: Sorry if it's too big.


*: Phoenix Enforcer, Shining Phoenix Enforcer, Evil Hero Infernal Sniper


**: Clayman


***: Wildheart, Polymerization






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first play fusionsage

2)polymerization on avian and burstinatrix

3)wroutweiler atk mode

4)bp1 : cyber end dragon with wrotweiler takin 3200 damage

5)bring back polymerazation and burstinatrix with wrotweiler

6)polymerazation pheniks enforcer with sparkman

7)flip supply

8)bring bak sparkman to your hand and pheniks eforcer to fsn dek

9)dark kallin:remove burstinatrix and clayman to summon infernal sniper

10)e emergency call for wildhert

11)h heated heart on shiny pheniks enforser

12)cheeerful cofiin discard buble man'sparky and wildheart

13)atak cyber end dragon with shiny pheniks enforcer

atak with other monsters


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