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What the Forum (emphasis on) Needs!

Legend Zero

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Have a Yugioh catagory with the TCG and Your Deck sections in it. Then have either an "Other TCG" catagory and have MTG TCG and Your Deck, and CFV TCG and Your Deck. Then place Creative Writing, Role-Playing, and Out-Of-Character Planning in another catagory entirely.

Just my two cents :3

EDIT: Also, just discovered this, if you use a spoiler with just the [spoiler] tag at the front without a name, the thing ends up broken. ???

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[quote name='~Spike~' timestamp='1351782190' post='6058781']
EDIT: Also, just discovered this, if you use a spoiler with just the [spoiler] tag at the front without a name, the thing ends up broken. ???
That's because you declared that you want to make a spoiler, but didn't name it. Without a name the spoiler breaks. I haven't found anything on google about a fix.

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1351783509' post='6058791']
That's because you declared that you want to make a spoiler, but didn't name it. Without a name the spoiler breaks. I haven't found anything on google about a fix.
You used to be able to not include a title (actually, you used to have to know the BBCode to include titles beforehand). Now you can't even do something like [spoiler='']. This is a little awkward because the dialog box for creating a spoiler tag looks like this:

[text box]

Enter text to be masked:
[bigger text box]

So when some random member tries to make a spoiler, they're going to say [jontronvoice] "option? aw man, i dunno what that does, better stay away from that" [/jontronvoice] and end up with a broken spoiler.

I don't know how much power you have over post tools like that, but if you have the ability to make that more user-friendly, that'd be good.

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How the "accept the warn" thing works:

You can't honestly tell if you just use YCM for statuses. It's only when you try to post (either a reply or a new topic) that you see the "accept" screen.

For replying to a topic, you have to go to the top right of the page and hit "reply to this topic" for the "accept the warn" page to popup.

Accept the Warn page also shows up when creating topics. Just click on "create a topic" and it would pop up.

[i]"Can you counterclaim?"[/i]


[i]"Can you show a picture or something of how it works?"[/i]

Yeah maybe. Gimmie a few minutes...

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Can we make Pop Culture Cards and Any Other cards subforums of Realistic?

And we can change the "Yugioh" section to "TCG". Make "Your Deck" a subforum of "Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG". Make "Other TCG" its own forum with "Other TCG Deck" as a subforum."

Then we'll just rename "Graphic Design" as "Creative Commons", move "Creative Writing" and "Role Playing" to there, and then just do a few name changes in the Graphic design section for clarity.

Final Look of changes:

[b]Custom Cards[/b]
[b]- Realistic Cards[/b]
-- Finished Sets
-- Pop Culture Cards
-- Any Other Cards
[b]- Written Cards[/b]
[b]- Card Contests[/b]
-- Finished Contests
-- 1 on 1 Contests

[b]- Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG[/b]
-- Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck
[b]- Other TCG[/b]
-- Other TCG Deck

[b]Creative Commons[/b]
[b]- Creative Writing[/b]
-- Role playing
--- OOC Planning
[b]- Graphic Design Showcase[/b]
-- Graphic Competitions
-- Tutorials
[b]- Shops[/b]
-- Requests


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[quote name='Hatcher' timestamp='1351784503' post='6058802']
[i]"Can you show a picture or something of how it works?"[/i]
Yeah maybe. Gimmie a few minutes...
No quick reply:


Where to click if replying to a topic:


What the "accept" page looks like:


[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1351784532' post='6058803']
Final Look of changes:

[b]Custom Cards[/b]
[b]- Realistic Cards[/b]
-- Finished Sets
-- Pop Culture Cards
-- Any Other Cards
[b]- Written Cards[/b]
[b]- Card Contests[/b]
-- Finished Contests
-- 1 on 1 Contests[/quote]
I kinda wouldn't feel too comfortable moving stuff around for the regulars of the section without their consent. I feel this would be more of an issue for the CC staff to discuss, with their community, how they want it to look.

[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1351784532' post='6058803']
[b]- Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG[/b]
-- Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck
[b]- Other TCG[/b]
-- Other TCG Deck[/quote]
It's my section, so this is one I can feel more free to discuss on.

I'm not all too familiar of how popular Other TCG was. I'd have to look into that.

Not sure if combining TCG and Deck section would work that well, since they're both rather popular it'd be a shame to lose one or the other. But I guess it'll be looked into along with everything else. I'll make a topic soon-ish (IE: Today)

[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1351784532' post='6058803']
[b]Creative Commons[/b]
[b]- Creative Writing[/b]
-- Role playing
--- OOC Planning
[b]- Graphic Design Showcase[/b]
-- Graphic Competitions
-- Tutorials
[b]- Shops[/b]
-- Requests

I always thought it was kind of weird that Role Playing was a subforum for Creative Writing. I mean, it makes sense but it is one of the largest subforums (9 million-ish posts. Clubs has around 8 million posts. Games is also 8 million. Creative Writing has less then half a million.)

But yeah, I can't really speak for the other sections, but I'll look into it for the sake of TCG.

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[quote name='Hatcher' timestamp='1351785640' post='6058810']
It's my section, so this is one I can feel more free to discuss on.

I'm not all too familiar of how popular Other TCG was. I'd have to look into that.

Not sure if combining TCG and Deck section would work that well, since they're both rather popular it'd be a shame to lose one or the other. But I guess it'll be looked into along with everything else. I'll make a topic soon-ish (IE: Today)
[/quote]Well we can still keep it as is, just moving the Creative Writing section over. Though I have doubts that the Your Deck section gets any less active.

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Meh. I'm not really concerned about the whole thing. It just seems like we have a bunch of useless sections that no one really uses while others are sub-sections of not-so-related forums.

Creative Writing and RP should be their own sections though. I'm fine with both putting them into Multimedia or a Creative Commons forum.

As for reps, both ways were fine, the "likes" and the manual thing. Just a matter of preference, I guess.

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Working on that Smear.

I'd like the idea of Fanfic and Other Creative Writing being subsections of Creative Writing, and not just lumped together, for ease of use. If I visited there (barely read fanfics or stories anymore) I'd like a clear divisions to help me search unless 'tags' were implimented for use.

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[quote name='Yin' timestamp='1351803755' post='6058976']
Working on that Smear.

I'd like the idea of Fanfic and Other Creative Writing being subsections of Creative Writing, and not just lumped together, for ease of use. If I visited there (barely read fanfics or stories anymore) I'd like a clear divisions to help me search unless 'tags' were implimented for use.
Well, it seems to me there's not enough activity in Creative Writing to justify dividing it between fanfics and original writing. If something's off the first page, that usually means it's been dead for weeks.

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[quote name='Dr. Cakey Arclight' timestamp='1351810538' post='6059054']
Well, it seems to me there's not enough activity in Creative Writing to justify dividing it between fanfics and original writing. If something's off the first page, that usually means it's been dead for weeks.

Concerns I echo. We don't need a forum that won't get much activity.

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