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Do You Know Your Yu-Gi-Oh Cards?


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A red glare: Yes.
Two twenty-sevens: It has 2800 ATK.
A little more effort: 3 tributes
Shelled comrade: Do Dragoons count?
Magic: Call of the Atlanteans.

And also, Poseidon was a moon or something but it got a name change and Hydra is one of Pluto's moons.
[b]Pose[/b]idon + H[b]ydra[/b] = Poseidra.

It's not Poseidra, but it has some striking similarities.

And I completely ignore the position part, unless...
It refers to S/T Cards that can be face-up OR face-down.

And... I completely ignore "those two heavenly beings" and practically the whole two first hints.

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Hot-damn, Exaenae! That's probably the best guess I've got so far.

Zaziuma may be right, though.

Those 'two heavenly beings' are just previous guesses, both of which are capable of being taken out by this Monster. And about its type...? I've already mentioned it, exactly, before in previous posts.

That Big Eye guess was not too far off, either - it seems that a red glare is not the only thing this beast has, but a yellow one, as well. You've gotta remember that when the two strongest stars of the far east come together, I'm what comes out of it. I'm two made one... both have the specific tool-annihilating abilities, but I hold both at once.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awrf, looks like nobody's got any idea! In that case, I've gotta do something...

I am the strongest of my friends and allies - well, only outclassed by a plain 200. My type is that of a vibrant violent color, though the prowess gained through my sky-soaring half allows me to annihilate a slightly redder shade of purple. Only a few of those tools I can't stop, some being armed with a triad of arrows and others being truly super.

You'll rarely ever be seeing me anywhere other than ground zero!

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Nope, to all 3! Hmm, I'm really confused as to what to say now. Just put everything together, I suppose?

I did correct myself on some of the later hints. Either way, here's another one:

There are only four others of my kind, each of us made from pure white.
One is born of courage and legends,
One is an earthen name gone universal,
One is the highest learning of arcane magics,
And one is a beast formed of the mind's energies.

Rarely will these four monsters, five if you include me, reach the field, without a miracle that you must in turn work toward!

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