Chaotic Angel Posted October 29, 2012 Report Share Posted October 29, 2012 POLL CLOSES IN: 48 HOURS from the creation of this thread. APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED. IT WILL OPEN IN: 24 HOURS from the creation of this thread. [spoiler=Summary]This, is Dark Necromancer's FINAL Role Play before he leaves YCM after Christmas, so let's look back at all the RPs he did. He did both original RPs and canon RPs.. I won't go into too much detail, so let's look at how Dark Necromancer did in his original RPs: He started out with the One-Winged Angel series, by far one of the most successful original RPs he did when his name was Senyuu back then. I just wished it was successful now... :/ He then went on to create another franchise, At World's End. VERY long RP, but also very confusing, so it was ditched in a matter of months. After all this, he then decided to create what claims to be the most emotional and bloody series, L.O.N.E. Again, that didn't go too well either. Then, every time Dark Necromancer disappeared unexpectedly, he silently promised a Major Comeback RP, and this is the final one. You guys will of course know that my RP career back in 2009 was a hit, so I'm going to allow the YCM public to make one last decision for me. So, let's release a selection of RPs to do... Then we'll recreate them. Remember, this RP is ALL about YOU. Oh, by the way.... You are allowed to suggest a title RP, if you really need to... [spoiler=Selection of the type of RPs for the YCM to vote on]Pick one franchise, then pick the series to recreate. [spoiler=Bleach]Shinigami's Wrath (Unknown year) [spoiler=Yu Gi Oh! franchise]Future Academy Parts 1-4 (Unknown year)Reopening the Academy! (Took place in 2020) [spoiler=One-Winged Angel franchise]Curse of the One-Winged Angel (Unknown year)Obliteration of the One-Winged Angel: Beginning in Salvation (Unknown year) [spoiler=At World's End franchise]Victory or Oblivion? (Unknown year)Ending in Salvation (Unknown year) [spoiler=L.O.N.E franchise]Introduction to the Franchise (Fan Fiction Exclusive, but can be recreated) (Time has stopped in this Fan Fic, therefore no year has been listed)Travelling to Ancient China (took place from 200 AD - 2100)Eternal Conflict (took place in 1648) [spoiler=Plot]After you have picked the RP to recreate, All RPs will take place in 2035, regardless of what this may be. The original year that the RP has taken place will also be listed in parenthesis next to the original RP series. Some are unknown to us, so please be aware. IF YOU HAVE PICKED BLEACH: Soul Society Under Attack by Vicars and Arrancars! IF YOU HAVE PICKED YU GI OH!: Gold Academy is Reaching its Downfall! IF YOU HAVE PICKED ONE-WINGED ANGEL: Ron Yim Frozen in the Freezing Arctic, -5000 Degrees Rumours Say! IF YOU HAVE PICKED AT WORLD'S END: The Apocolypse Really Begins! Reality is Reaching its End! IF YOU HAVE PICKED L.O.N.E: Emotionless Creature Malfested as the Awakening Closes in! I don't have time to complete everything right now, so bear with me. I will of course give you a little hint of what might happen though, supporting a title of a newspaper article, funnily enough. [spoiler=Rules]There are no rules, since this is my final RP ever. Just adhere to the YCM rules and you'll be fine. [spoiler=Application]This applies to all the series being recreated. [spoiler=Personal Information]Username: No. of stars: Current number of posts: [spoiler=Character Details]Name: Age: Gender: Personality: (5-6 lines) Appearance: (5-6 lines or a single line description if a pic is submitted) Biography: (11-12 lines. If you are a 5-star member or above, then write up a 1,500 word paragraph instead) Weapon(s): (Not available for YGO-type RP recreations) Skills or Abilities: (Not available for YGO-type RP recreations) Duel Runner: (Only available for YGO-type RP recreations) Duel Disk: (Only available for YGO-type RP recreations) RP Paragraph: (10-12 lines) [spoiler=Sample Application]This applies to all the series being recreated. [spoiler=Personal Information]Username: Dark Necromancer No. of stars: 6 Current number of posts: 10,008 [spoiler=Character Details]Name: Ron Yim Age: 40 Gender: Male Blood Type: AB Personality: WIP Appearance: WIP Biography: WIP Weapon(s): TBC Skills or Abilities: TBC Duel Runner: TBC Duel Disk: TBC RP Paragraph: Not available to RP hosts The reason why my app is incomplete is because we have yet to choose a genre of RP. I'm not allowed to make a decision, so you, the YCM public will have to make it for me. Vote via the poll. [spoiler=Character Roster] Work in progress [spoiler=Participants]1. Ron Yim (Dark Necromancer) 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted October 29, 2012 Report Share Posted October 29, 2012 RP construction should be kept to the planning thread. Everything should be ready to go on one fixed idea upon posting. LOCKED. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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