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Listen up motherfuckers.  NA scene is about to change drastically.  In light of recent events, Cloud9 has dropped their now former mid laner and team leader, Hai, likely due to lack of performance.  In his stead, they have picked up one of the classiest players from the Korean scene.  The Zed Maister, the playmaker, the People's Champ.  Cloud9 has replaced Hai.









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Listen up motherf***ers.  NA scene is about to change drastically.  In light of recent events, Cloud9 has dropped their now former mid laner and team leader, Hai, likely due to lack of performance.  In his stead, they have picked up one of the classiest players from the Korean scene.  The Zed Maister, the playmaker, the People's Champ.  Cloud9 has replaced Hai.











Wait, this is jokes right? I haven't been keeping up with league news since the new season so I don't really know.


As soon as A-Levels are finished (June) I'm getting straight back into League, I miss this s*** too much.

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He looks to be a weird hybrid of a cleanup assassin and a melee carry, even though he's AP.


His passive is just Gnar's W in the passive slot except it also slows your opponent, so once you get it going, you will probably stick to your opponent's easily.


Q works a bit like Ahri's orb except it slows, so once you hit an opponent it's easier to hit them with the return daamge, which is higher than the base one. Also the slow's really strong, from 32% to 60%.


W's passive is silly, uber-fast Drakes and Barons but most importantly, executes. Basically, the longer you attack a target, the more damage you deal and the easier it is for you to stick to them. Active needs you to predict things correctly, but it's pretty good since it's dual purpose and you can do silly things like Flashing into the sphere or ulting back into it for an insta-stun.


E gives a crapton of mobility, a double dash on a single spell. Did I mention the fucker's pretty sticky already? This makes him even more so, also apparently it applies both on-hits and spell abilities, so if you have a Rylai's and a Lich Bane, you will apply both at the empowered attack.


Ult is amazing. It has good synergy with his kit, allows you to take back unfavorable trades, teleport back to lane after recalling, and in teamfights it's like a reset kind of thingy when you can jump in, assassinate a target and ult back out then jump back in for round 2. The damage is also really huge but it involves you jumping into the middle of the battle which is silly on this guy.


So I think that Nashor's Tooth will be core on him, he gets too many benefits from the attack speed with both of his passives. Raba/Void Staff/Zhonya's seems standard as well, plus boots, so you get 1 flex slot which can be a Lich Bane probably for more added burst, or simply a mana item like Athene's which goes nicely with his ulti and the entire jump in-jump out deal. Getting extra mana after the initial kill will be helpful.


Runes, typical AP setup works, although you could be wonky and squeeze in AS somewhere in there.

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I've stopped following NA LCS because it's become so stale and boring.  EU isn't much better, but LCK teams have been pulling out Irelia, Master Yi, and other different mids.  Their strats are constantly changing and it's pretty damn fun.  I mean, I'll always be TSM 4 Lyfe, but God damn LCK is so much more interesting.

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I designed a champion kit.


Layve, the Shadow Magus


PASSIVE: Sanguine Form

Layve summons a Sanguine Form that follows her around. The Sanguine Form can be controlled with ALT+CLICK and has it's own health bar and energy bar. If the Sanguine Form dies, Layve takes 50% of it's max HP in damage. The Sanguine Form respawns every 15 seconds after being killed. The Sanguine Form copies her spell casts. Additionally, Layve receives bonus attack damage equal to 5% of her ability power.


Q: Drain Life

Layve and her Sanguine form target one enemy with a dark blast that drains enemy HP and restores their own. If Drain Life kills it's target, the healing is doubled.


W: Shadow Erosion / Sanguine Clutch

Layve: Layve fires a bolt of dark energy in a line in front of her. If the bolt hits, Layve and her target become linked. A linked target takes continual damage until they move out of range of the tether. 

Sanguine Form: The Sanguine Form vanishes into a pool for 2 seconds. Afterwards, it manifests behind a target, grabbing them and stunning them for 1-2 seconds. While the enemy is stunned by Sanguine Clutch, Shadow Erosion will lock onto them. Pressing W normally will activate both spells. Pressing ALT+W will activate Sanguine Clutch alone, pressing CTRL+W will activate Shadow Erosion alone.


E: Chaos Strike / Sanguine Shield

Layve: Layve unleashes a ball of dark energy. After 1 second, the ball explodes, dealing AOE damage in a circle. If an enemy champion is within the orb when it explodes, they take additional damage.

Sanguine Form: The Sanguine Form cancels it's previous orders and appears in front of Layve, shielding her from 1 melee basic attack, or 3 ranged basic attacks. Additionally, if an attack is blocked by Sanguine Shield, the input can be pressed again to send the Sanguine Form lunging towards a target, dealing damage and stunning the target.

Pressing W normally will activate both spells. Pressing ALT+W will activate Sanguine Shield. Pressing CTRL+W will activate Chaos Strike.


R: Glooming Shadow

Layve curses an area of ground. After 2 seconds, the area of ground collapses, trapping all enemy champions within a dark orb for 5 seconds. During this time, enemy champions cannot escape the Dark Orb, but can freely cast spells. Additionally, whilst the Sanguine Form is inside the Orb, it cannot take damage and it's spells cost no energy to cast.



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