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I saw a status thingy requesting a post here so I figured why not.


Anyway got into League around the beginning of February and so far have mostly only done co-op vs ai. Tried one normal game once but didn't go over very well so not super eager to try again. But as it is I still enjoy the game a lot. It's been fun exploring the various champs and derping around with friends.

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Yay, thanks doggy =D. BTW, if you don't at least try Nasus and Warwick, I'll be greatly disappointed.


Anyway, I watched all of the matches from IEM Katowice today (both C9 games, both SK games, and TSM vs CJ in full; the rest just highlights). And I've got some stuff to talk about.


[spoiler=Contains spoilers, obviously]

What the literal actual fucking flying-ass fuckballs was C9 doing today? Like, OK, they're against the number 1 team in Korea. I wasn't expecting them to win really, but I was expecting them to put up a bit of a fight. But then the game was just a humungous shitstomp, and it wasn't even just because GE is good. Obviously they are, but C9 played so terribly that it wasn't even funny. The level one play for first blood was good. I assumed that they'd play normally after that, and it didn't seem like a bad idea to try out an unconventional level 1 against the best Korean team, so that was cool. 


But then they spent the rest of the early game playing terribly. It looked like they were nervous, honestly. It's understandable (best Korean team and all), but I wouldn't have expected it from Cloud9, of all teams. This is the team that crushed Samsung Blue game 1, then got 2000 Nexus HP away from taking them to five games. They should know that they can at least have a chance against the Koreans if they just play their normal, strategic game. Instead, they tried to cheese the game for some stupid reason, and play an aggressive style they never use... Meteos and Balls diving a Liss with her ult up (by Flashing in as a J4 with Flag down!) was terrible. Balls TPing back top to dive her again and die to Lee was worse. No idea why Meteos didn't just leave after his E+Q missed. He actually played pretty badly this game, IMO. Missing the kill on Nami in the bot lane dive (which was pretty good, until it wasn't) never should have happened. Beyond that, Lemon randomly Igniting PraY and getting chunked so hard level 1 was just "wut". Then in the lategame team fights, C9 ACTUALLY PLAYED WELL and almost won a few fights. They may have been able to even come back, except for the fact that they played stupidly early game, they didn't play their normal style for some reason, and Balls got totally dumpstered, which all lead to them being down 10k gold at 15 minutes...


And they face the Yoe Flash Wolves. They're the team from SE Asia. You know, that one region that's done literally nothing internationally except for when TPA randomly did well in one tournament 3 years ago? Yeah. That one. So this team shouldn't be too hard for a team like C9 to beat, right? Especially after they got a 5k-ish gold lead early! 


...Or they could have one bad tower dive mid and give up and do nothing for the rest of the game. Maybe they could even run around and totally ignore the open inhib they could pressure top? And just kinda teamfight and slowly lose control of the game? But then again, they're Cloud 9. Why would they possibly do that?




Yes, I'm salty as fuck. At least TSM gave me something to be happy about though =D. Guess I'm temporarily jumping ship to another team for the duration of this tournament. Sorry C9 :C


Oh, and I bought VIP just so that I could get the language filter removed for this post. I mad.


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Yay, thanks doggy =D. BTW, if you don't at least try Nasus and Warwick, I'll be greatly disappointed.


You'll be happy to know then they were the first two champs I purchased. lol


They're both fun and stuff though warwick really needs to jungle instead of being in 2 v 2 top lane with bots. lol

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The above is amazing.


On an also related note: 


The Leaver Buster is broken as fuck x_x


If your computer or internet decides to have a few heart attacks and refuses to let you in game in under 5 minutes, you have been targeted by the Leaver Buster system. And there are words flying around that the Leaver Buster system cracks users who attempt AFK farming, or just kill the same jungle creep over and over, or just do circles in base, but I have friends who have done this frequently and never got any sort of punishment. It's hilarious and upsetting.


Frankly, all your literally have to do is prevent your game from reaching the 5 minute idle disconnect, and you have beaten the leaver buster system. But, if you are not leaving by choice, have no other choice, you can simply click your heels together three times and make your internet comeback within 5 minutes and get in game to save your butt. 


Hopefully Leaver Buster doesn't ban my account for disconnecting from BOT GAMES. Because it's already put a 10 minute wait time before I join a que for the next 5 games and before I factory restored my computer last night I disconnected from another Bot Game because my comp decided that running leagues was too mainstream.

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The above is amazing.


On an also related note: 


The Leaver Buster is broken as fuck x_x


If your computer or internet decides to have a few heart attacks and refuses to let you in game in under 5 minutes, you have been targeted by the Leaver Buster system. And there are words flying around that the Leaver Buster system cracks users who attempt AFK farming, or just kill the same jungle creep over and over, or just do circles in base, but I have friends who have done this frequently and never got any sort of punishment. It's hilarious and upsetting.


Frankly, all your literally have to do is prevent your game from reaching the 5 minute idle disconnect, and you have beaten the leaver buster system. But, if you are not leaving by choice, have no other choice, you can simply click your heels together three times and make your internet comeback within 5 minutes and get in game to save your butt. 


Hopefully Leaver Buster doesn't ban my account for disconnecting from BOT GAMES. Because it's already put a 10 minute wait time before I join a que for the next 5 games and before I factory restored my computer last night I disconnected from another Bot Game because my comp decided that running leagues was too mainstream.


Yeah they need to change this.  My isp is probably run by Satan himself, because I get disconnects on the regular.  And any time I play ranked and it happens, I panic.  I would contact the fuckers, except their customer service is so bad, it's unbelievable.  That, and its my mothers ISP (until I switch us).  God forbid the power goes out or something.  That's a two week ban that I had no control over.  Rito pl0x.

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Yeah they need to change this.  My isp is probably run by Satan himself, because I get disconnects on the regular.  And any time I play ranked and it happens, I panic.  I would contact the f***ers, except their customer service is so bad, it's unbelievable.  That, and its my mothers ISP (until I switch us).  God forbid the power goes out or something.  That's a two week ban that I had no control over.  Rito pl0x.

This leaver buster system is more or less lazy. The longer they keep it in it's current iteration the longer we can justifiably state that Riot actively punishes players who don't live in the middle of cities where the best internet connection is and don't have an expensive computer or the money to buy a new one every two years


Admit-ably, the items listed above are sort of obtainable. But, you'd think when you have one of the largest Moba fan bases, you'd do what you can to KEEP your players and not alienate them for things outside of their control with a system that is easily dodged by anyone who is actually rage quiting. , 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does nobody want to talk anymore? :C Welp, I've got some stuff to say, so here's a list of relevant things!


-URF login music is best login music

-Full AP URF Rammus

-UoL is absolutely fantastic

-RIP the CLG potential

-Gonna be a C9 vs TSM finals. Again.

-Bard is really fun, even if he is weird as hell

-Ludens URFcho

-Rush's Vi is best Vi

-My Vi is not best Vi

-The Urfvitational was incredible

-If Jesus played LoL, he'd main Soraka

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Does nobody want to talk anymore? :C Welp, I've got some stuff to say, so here's a list of relevant things!


-URF login music is best login music

-Full AP URF Rammus

-UoL is absolutely fantastic

-RIP the CLG potential

-Gonna be a C9 vs TSM finals. Again.

-Bard is really fun, even if he is weird as hell

-Ludens URFcho

-Rush's Vi is best Vi

-My Vi is not best Vi

-The Urfvitational was incredible

-If Jesus played LoL, he'd main Soraka



C9 vs TSM isnt guaranteed. TiP is strong, and C9 is looking kinda weak. its actually pretty open. TL is gelling and can possibly take a game or two.

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After playing league again for the first time in a few months (not to say I played regularly at all beforehand), I have decided that playing Nasus is best when you ignore your entire team in favor of farming and show up at the last second to destroy everything in sight. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ

Also I only play Nasus yes

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I'm trying to get back into League, but Smite calls me when i start doing bad and feeding in League. 


Same here, just with CS:GO. I rarely play either right now due to being very busy recently but when I play a horrible league game it's like yup, CS it is for tonight. That being said I really want to get back into league after I'm done with school, I miss quite a lot from it.

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