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imo a 1v1 tournament would work wayyyy better. Best of 3, each player bans 3 champions then the first player picks a champion that both players will play (mirror match) first to first blood wins the round. Then the second player picks the next champ. If it goes to the 3rd round a player not involved in the match will pick the champion.


Any summoner spells allowed and the map will be summoners rift, mid lane only.


It just works a lot better when there are so few people on this board who play.

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So Annie is getting that visual update and from the looks of it, she's getting aged a bit. So does this mean Amumu might get one too? Amumu and Annie are the youngest champions in the League so Annie aging could also mean Amumu aging. Assuming he isn't a Yordle of course.

And speaking of visual updates, Eve could use one.

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If you kill her like 7 times before she hits 6


if not, stock up on pink wards and pray to whatever god you worship.


This pretty much. If you can't shut her down early game (This is Akali here, she can get shut down early but make a comeback mid game) then you better buy an Oracles or your entire team is going to die every team fight.


These are the rules, you must follow them.

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I just had the best Vi win ever. The enemy team was pushing our base, but me and a Master Yi got behind em, tanked two turrets mid lane, the two nexus turrets, and killed the Nexus before the enemy team even knew what was happening :3


Best Vi win I've ever had. feelsgood.jpg

When that happens against your team it's the worst feeling ever. 

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