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At least I can't forget to use it all the time anymore :'D


Also, new Trist seems really fun. Her E, combined with all the fancy new animations and stuff, makes her really satisfying to use. Plus, when you buy a Shiv, she says "Looks like I'm a shock trooper now!" And if that's not fantastic, I don't know what is.

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DfG was my fav Item - I rushed it on Katarina and Ahri who were two of my mains in the past patches. I will see if i can adapt to that change, though I loved it how I could blow ppl up just in half a second, that was what brought me most fun in the Game. Luckily, my true main will always be Anivia who didn't ever need DfG and didn't build it since it's more of a CC-Utility-Burstmage. Ahri got buffed and Katarina sould be fine, so idm that too much, though I loved the item a lot and was a bit shocked when its removal was announced o/

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She's not too hard, especially in lane. The difficult bit is that you have to stay in the back, and a smart enemy team will try to focus you first.


This.  Your heals are insanely infuriating.  It makes trades in bottom lane for the enemy team near impossible if you aren't the one to die first.

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Alistar is really good as long as you don't suck. So if you do want to pick him up, I recommend playing a couple bots matches to practice the W+Q before you try him in PvP.

I'm gonna start doing that for every champ.

No pressure of playing a champ for the first time and other stuff.  Just play.  


I have like 6 games played in vs AI.  I should do it more. 

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