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If you really wanna use expansion tournament as any proof...


[spoiler=NA side results]

Zenith eSports VS Final Five

Game 1: Sivir vs Jinx

Game 2: Jinx vs Twitch

Game 3: Sivir vs Jinx


compLexity White vs Monstar Kittenz

Game 1: Lucian vs Corki

Game 2: Lucian vs Vayne

Game 3: Lucian vs Corki


Team Coast vs Call Gaming

Game 1: Graves vs Lucian

Game 2: Lucian vs Sivir


Team LolPro vs Fission Esports

Game 1: Sivir vs Corki

Game 2: Corki vs Lucian


Enemy Esports vs Noble Truth

Game 1: Sivir vs Draven

Game 2: Twitch vs Corki


compLexity Black vs Final Five

Game 1: Corki vs Vayne

Game 2: Twitch vs Lucian


Curse Academy vs compLexity White

Game 1: Corki vs Ezreal

Game 2: Corki vs Graves


Team Coast vs Team LolPro

Game 1: Caitlyn vs Graves

Game 2: Lucian vs Corki


Enemy Esports vs Team Fusion

Game 1: Sivir vs Lucian

Game 2: Lucian vs Corki


Lucian: 10

Corki: 10

Sivir: 6

Jinx: 3

Twitch: 3

Graves: 3

Vayne: 2

Draven: 1

Ezreal: 1

Caitlyn: 1



Corki was picked exactly as often as Lucian. Lemme get to EU side now and see there.


EDIT: [spoiler=EU results]

Ascension vs Giants

Game 1: Jinx vs Lucian

Game 2: Corki vs Jinx


Reason Gaming vs SK Gaming Prime

Game 1: Lucian vs Corki

Game 2: Corki vs Lucian


Gamers2 vs Team Strix

Game 1: Graves vs Lucian

Game 2: Corki vs Graves


Tricked Esport vs n!faculty

Game 1: Caitlyn vs Lucian

Game 2: Caitlyn vs Corki

Game 3: Corki vs Lucian


SPARTA vs Different Dimension

Game 1: Sivir vs Corki

Game 2: Lucian vs Corki


Meloncats vs Cyber Gaming

Game 1: Corki vs Tristana

Game 2: Lucian vs Draven


Reason Gaming vs Different Dimension

Game 1: Ezreal vs Lucian

Game 2: Lucian vs Vayne


H2k Gaming vs Meloncats

Game 1: Sivir vs Corki


Gamer2 vs n!faculty

Game 1: Lucian vs Corki

Game 2: Corki vs Lucian

Game 3: Lucian vs Corki


Millenium vs GIANTS

Game 1: Corki vs Jinx

Game 2: Corki vs Jinx

Game 3: Corki vs Ezreal


Corki: 16

Lucian: 13

Jinx: 4

Graves: 2

Caitlyn: 2

Sivir: 2

Tristana: 1

Draven: 1

Ezreal: 2

Vayne: 1[/spoiler]


Corki wins.

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He was still one of the best picks during the expansion tournament, but that was on 4.19, so this might be overkill now. I really don't think he needs BOTH of these nerfs, at least.

I'm not saying he's the best ADC and he's super OP rito plz nerf or anything. It's just that he's been played competitively for a very long time quite a lot (even moreso than champs like Ori, who always pop up once in awhile). What this shows is that him and Corki were both better than everything else, and they should both maybe be looked at. That was a patch ago though, so it might be different. IDK.


Corki's winrate is actually a bit better, I believe.

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Well, R.I.P. Fnatic. I've been a huge supporter of theirs since I started playing league this time last year, it will be sad to see xPeke and Cyanide go. Rekkles too, but I was never really surprised. Hopefully they still continue to be strong next split and xPeke's team gets somewhere.

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oh hey, there's a league thread.

I really dig the game, but I've never been very good at it... I don't have the patience to learn new champions and loadouts, and I'm really bad at setting up wards... -_-


Practice.  If you have to, play a thousand A.I. games until you're comfortable with a set of 5 champions, do it.  Practice makes everything better.

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Practice.  If you have to, play a thousand A.I. games until you're comfortable with a set of 5 champions, do it.  Practice makes everything better.



To be honest this is only true specifically for learning your champion and how to farm. As for the mechanical aspects of the game such as push strategies, warding, roaming etc. AI games are pretty much useless. But anyways, I see your point, AI is helpful for leaning how a champion works.

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They beat TSM 2-0 now.

And it was probably my favorite series I've ever watched. Seriously, UoL does so much crazy s***, and it works, and it's incredible. I jokingly declared power of Evil to be my senpai after the promotion tournament (when he beat Kerp, by former senpai <3), but I don't think it's a joke anymore. He absolutely destroyed Bjergsen...


I don't even know what so say.

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I thought the first game with him stomping Bjerg could have been something of a fluke due to Bjerg being completely countered. 

UoL third picked TF, so Bjerg thought Xerath would be a safe pick. Little did he know....


Second match, though. Totally crushed him. I'm enjoying watching their team play.


Plus, the name. "Unicorns of Love" 

Icing, man, icing.

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So, two new skins were added to PBE

Dauntless Ahri doesn't look bad at all, but it's Legacy so I HAVE to get it regardless

El Tigre Braum looks f***ing amazing


[spoiler=Also This]

We've noticed that because objectives are so much important (or everyone just wants to protect the Rift Scuttler crab...), team fights are also starting earlier and more frequently. While the extra action is great, lower death timers mean the victorious team doesn't have enough time to do anything after, which leads to a lot of combat without much progression in objective control. We're hoping for a better balance here, even if the change itself is small.

MINIMUM DEATH TIMER7.5 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds
MAXIMUM DEATH TIMER50 seconds ⇒ 52.5 seconds


Thank the maker

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Honestly, the respawn timer change is the only thing I care about.

They took out my level 2 Dragon, so now I just do Red instead of Drag and kill the top/mid laner, not even a problem.

The rest of the patch notes are pretty "meh" from my standpoint.

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