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Because Singed was always a "worthy" pick until they broke his E


Sure, the new E -> W is good, but it doesn't really change a whole lot for him. He's still just flinging someone into his team to get murdered.

Even without the snare, people almost never get away when they're flung into 4 people.

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So, I jungled for the first time ever yesterday, though it was in SMITE. Frankly, it seemed easy, both in farming and knowing when to assist the lanes and stuff. Maybe I just figured there'd be more micromanaging involved.


How does LoL's jungle game compare? My friend who plays both said he found LoL's easier on the basis that Smite's jungle creeps hit harder.

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I main jungle. It's more about objective control than farming and ganking. Early game, obviously you want to secure your first two buffs, then farm and look around for anyone who might need help, which isn't hard. The thing is, it's literally the most random role in the game. You absolutely HAVE to be able to adapt to everything that happens if you want to succeed at it. One thing you should be aware of though, is that in solo queue, you will always be blamed for a lost lane. ALWAYS. They never got outplayed, their trash jungler just never ganked for them. It really isn't hard though. I think it's pretty fun. Also, when you camp an enemy laner and they complain about it, don't pitch a tent, build a house. You are the hand of based Rito issuing divine punishment on this scrub. Make them saltier than the ocean.

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^ summed up pretty well. It's also great if you've got a roamy mid laner, like Ahri, Talon, etc.

Bring them to other lanes/the enemy jungle with you.

Make the entire enemy team regret playing that specific match.

Win games.


On another note, I think I'm gonna start leveling my smurf soon. 

Wanna get it to 30 by the start of next season.

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Yeah, but you can do that without DFG, because you're Kat. 

And if your trinket is up, then you just 4>E>Flash if you need to and you're good, since there'll almost always be some distance between the ADC/MVP and the front line. Since you should have Sorc Boots, Haunting Guise/Liandry's, Void Staff or Abyssal if they have AP, their Banshee's/Scimitar won't be enough to save them even without DFG.

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My early game with Kat is where I struggle.  I need to lane better. 


Don't throw your Q into the creep wave unless your enemy laner is missing, pre-6.  Last hit with your autos as best you can.  You should really only throw your Q into the wave if you can for sure nab 1-3 creeps, or the wave is at your tower and you can use the damage to get your last hits with autos.

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Don't throw your Q into the creep wave unless your enemy laner is missing, pre-6.  Last hit with your autos as best you can.  You should really only throw your Q into the wave if you can for sure nab 1-3 creeps, or the wave is at your tower and you can use the damage to get your last hits with autos.

Good advice, I was definitely using Q too much. 

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So, someone tell me, should I actually pick a role to main, or should I just remain as a (master)jack-of-all-trades?

I'm better at certain champions than others, obviously, and my mechanics with every champ I play are pretty much on point.

So should I say "I main this role", or "I main this/these champions"?

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