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They are God's very own gift to the ******* team, and someone has to keep all of the usual ******* ******* in check. Praise them, and follow all of their commands like the good peasants you are.


Yeah, I dunno. My Vayne mechanics are pretty good, and I think of myself as an amazing Ashe player, and I still don't get the whole "ADC superiority" thing that they all have going for themselves.

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I play both ADC and Support...fairly often. I know what it's like to be on both sides of the coin. I'm not saying I don't bitch as an ADC, but I'm not the most virtuous support either.


I just find it hard to stay calm when I get an ADC that constantly engages when it's a dumb ass idea, can't farm, and refuses to use that god damn thing called a Trinket in the early stages of the game when I lack a Sightstone.


But on the flip side, I find it highly annoying when I get a support that constantly engages when it's a dumbass idea, takes CS, and doesn't buy a damn sightstone or wards until we're in the middle-to-late-game.


So sometimes there is most def. a good reason to bitch. But I also take blame where blame is due. Lee Sin syndrome on Thresh, misplaced E on Ezreal, overextending on Jinx or Vayne, or a bad 2v3 engage with Leona. I've done that shit and I take the blame where it's due.

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I do to, only when it's right. I try to be a decent ADC though, and don't try to chew out my Support unless they're being incredibly shite. I just hate ADCs who blame Support for not doing things that are practically impossible for them to do, or engage when the Support has no mana so they can't even do anything to help them.

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Meh,I think b****ing about anything at all is just stupid, it makes everyone irritated 98% of the time. People make mistakes, calm down, stop crying, and get over it.

There's a difference between saying "Ezreal please don't E in" and "Ezreal you're a f***ing moron for E-ing in." And if they don't listen the first or second time, it's usually wasted effort to keep trying.


When everyone that plays this game can just be nice and calmly explain why mistakes are mistakes, I think the world will end.

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ADC players are cancer. Especially Vayne pilots.


Just about ever Vayne player I was with was an a****** this past week.


Amumu's free this week, gonna try him out.


Also, when I was looking at the Free Rotation on the site, I noticed Blitzcrank's art was different. The American servers need to switch out some of their splash art, like holy crap this is awesome:


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That does sound fairly beautiful, actually.

Oh, and speaking of feeding on easy champions, I just went 6/13 on Annie, who's actually my favorite champ. Damn, I'm good.

It's not even a bad thing to go negative, though. All it means is that you can still improve. Also Annie is easy to start off with and her Q is meant to help inexperienced players CS/poke/use her stun easily without too much stress, but even she can be taken to really high levels competitively.

Of course, I can't even remember going negative as AD Garry, but it's AD Garry, so it's to be expected.
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Amumu's free this week, gonna try him out.

Also, when I was looking at the Free Rotation on the site, I noticed Blitzcrank's art was different. The American servers need to switch out some of their splash art, like holy crap this is awesome:

Amumu's fun and really strong. But AP mumu is best mumu obv. I luv et.

And that splash is getting an update in the next patch. Check out a website called Surrender@20 it'll tell you all the details about new shiz coming to league. There are like 19 new splashes I think.
Talon, Shen, Kayle, Ez, J4, Trist, Ahri, Rengar, Singed, Udyr, Rumble, Shaco, Blitz, Janna, Wukong, Veigar, Zilean, Gragas and Graves. All coming in patch 4.19
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Amumu's fun and really strong. But AP mumu is best mumu obv. I luv et.

And that splash is getting an update in the next patch. Check out a website called Surrender@20 it'll tell you all the details about new shiz coming to league. There are like 19 new splashes I think.
Talon, Shen, Kayle, Ez, J4, Trist, Ahri, Rengar, Singed, Udyr, Rumble, Shaco, Blitz, Janna, Wukong, Veigar, Zilean, Gragas and Graves. All coming in patch 4.19


My friend has told me about AP Amumu, yeah.


Huh, so it turns out the site you mentioned it where I actually saw the Blitzcrank splash, though I was on a page that only had the splash arts and not the rest of the patch stuff.

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