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I had the best jungle Sion game earlier today. All of my lanes were dominating, I was 0/0/0 until around the 22 minute mark, just farming and getting drag when it was up. Every time I pinged for a gank and started ulting in, the enemy laner(s) would die before I could get there. Each and every time.

Why can't all my matches be so simple.

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How do you play easy champions?


I can't do it.




(not that I can play hard champs either)


As an ADC main, harassing with AA's is something I like to do whenever I possibly can (which is why, as of today, I'm never playing Lucian again. Screw that short range, it messes me up). With Caitlyn, I can get free auto's off all the time until the enemy has to make a (sloppy) play or they're forced out of lane.


A good escape, basically free wards + stuns, a good long range high damage Q + R...


It's kinda mechanically boring, and not as satisfying as making a good stealth play as Twitch, but wins are wins!

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I feed on every new champion usually, until I play them for awhile. This is why I main Galio, overlord of freelo. Also...

Don't worry guys, stick with me and I'll teach you the ways of AP Caitlyn support.

Everything else is inferior, guaranteed to force a surrender.

Yeah, but force a surrender for which team?

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I can't decide if I like playing tank Nautilus or AP Nautilus more.


On one hand, you ult the ADC and they're guaranteed to get killed by you alone.


On the other, you can sit in double towers + Evelynn for almost a solid 30 seconds.


I haven't tried him AD or offtank yet, but I hear Frozen Mallet + Zephyr is pretty intimidating once it gets rolling.

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Are ADCs the de facto team leaders, or do they just think they are? Because most of the ones I'm matched with tend to give lots of good commands/be irritatingly bossy, depending on the person, or quick to blame others if they do poorly.


Also, any tips for fighting ranged Champs as Garen?

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Are ADCs the de facto team leaders, or do they just think they are? Because most of the ones I'm matched with tend to give lots of good commands/be irritatingly bossy, depending on the person, or quick to blame others if they do poorly.


Also, any tips for fighting ranged Champs as Garen?

They just think they are. 

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And they tend to get pretty damn annoying by doing so. The one time I tried Ranked this Caitlyn I was teamed with kept telling me what to do all the time. And constantly telling me to Q-E-Q on Zilean, despite the fact that I didn't have the mana for it, and we were facing a f**king support Thresh, who would most likely have grappled me if I tried to do it anyways.


Sometimes I think ADCs are just incapable of normal human thought.

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