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I'm enjoying this, though.

QUESTION TWO. Why does the "meta" exist as it currently is when it's so easy to break teams that are "meta" with teams that "aren't meta"?


It's something I'd really like to know. I'm tired of getting flamed for going Talon+Vlad bot lane with a friend, only to get fed to the point where I can full-to-none the free farm Nasus, and my Vlad friend can 1v5 at 25 minutes. Sure, we don't always win games, but we have yet to lose a lane to the point where we can't come back anymore.


All I've ever really gotten was "because the pros did/said this..."

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It's all about the Dragon. It's a very important objective early on in the game (assuming higher level play here, not necessarily LCS, but like Gold+ level) and lots of times, it's contested. Supports are set in the botlane to mantain vision and control on that objective, since more action is happening in the lower part of the map than in the upper in the early game. About ADC...I guess it's pretty much because an ADC is needed, so it's put down with the support, and the fact that even early on, an average ADC will deal more damage to the Dragon than an average bruiser due to their usual damage steroids.

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But anyone can maintain vision on dragon, save for the top laner. You don't need a support to do that. That's like people 40 minutes into the game saying "Sona, we need more wards", like it's ONLY the support's job to ward.


And yes, the ADC will deal more consistent damage to dragon early on, but you won't be fighting the dragon if it's contested, you'll be attempting to get rid of the people contesting it. 


At least, that's my belief, correct me if I'm wrong. That's why I'm confused about it.

It's just that I've had overwhelming success with "play whatever you feel like bot lane", over the "meta" bot lane is all, which is the biggest reason why I'm asking. 

Same thing in ranked. Flame flame flame for our bot lane, but my Lee Sin and Talon stats don't lie.

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With the addition of Targon's and the Ancient Coin, both bottom laners can keep up their income relatively well, and if they're keeping dragon control and/or murdering the enemy laners, neither of the bottom laners will hardly be behind in gold, if at all. Starting with either of those items will hardly even be a hindrance to whoever you decide to pick, whether it be Vlad, Fizz, Kha'Zix, or Riven, etc... 

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To be honest, the gold generating items provide you no combat stats most of the time, just a little of HP or AP, so it will be a hinderance a few times. But ok, your point is valid - you can pick any champion down there. However, you STILL have lower income than others, unless you're splitting the farm in 2, which is a problem for both of you then. But if you don't share the creeps, you need to be able to operate on a minimal amount of gold, aka have utility.

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Yeah, they don't provide any offensive bonuses, the tiny bit of AP from Spellthief's might help someone a little bit, but it's not much. Although I don't like building Spellthief's because then you can't effectively split the farm up. And it doesn't work if you don't have any CC, like a Yi/Fiora lane won't work unless one of you runs exhaust, and even then you'd only be able to kill with exhaust up more than likely. Although even just Talon's CC is enough, and it works pretty well from my experience.

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