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Supports, assassins and tanky-supportive junglers/top laners tend to build a lot of actives. I usually end the game with 3-4 actives on Nautilus, and around 3 on Lee Sin (if you can count remembering to use the trinket in fights, insec mechanics and what-not). I'd recommend playing some champs that fall into those categories if you wanna practice.


And if you're ever in a bind over you're 6th item. Get a Zhonya's, regardless of who you are. They'll never expect it.

(Only do this if your GA is on cooldown...)

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...people are having troubles with actives?



Pretty much every game, I build an active item, forget to use it and die, remember it while I'm dead, and then be OK for the rest of the game. I just need to be able to skip step 2 of this process...

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So I played a Talon game against a Zed, Fiora and a Kat, and the only thing I was thinking the entire game was "I could kill them before they'd be able to do anything if my cutthroat actually cut throats..."


15 kills though, so I had some fun at least.

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After several failed games of Karthus mid, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.


Two games today went pretty well. In the first one when the enemy team surrendered at 20 minutes, I was 0/0/0 and actually managed to bring down a turret, so I can't complain about that. In the second we won a full game and I was 6/7/14 and I actually got a couple double kills with my ult.

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That is very true. If I ever face a Yasuo I move hell and earth to ensure that bastard stays away from minion kills. Last thing you want is a jerk champion like Yasuo getting minion kills or get fed. Sadly my teammates have a habit of erasing all the hard work I've done.


Malzahar is a good champion to maintain lane dominance, as he's great for clearing waves at a distance whilst also harassing his opponent.

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