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405 IP at 15 a rune is not that much trouble to get.


EDIT: Actually, not even that much, since you get access to T3 at level 20.


Though now that I realize I wouldn't even get a full 9 of each type in T1 before getting T3, I guess the boosts aren't that big. Whatevs, I've only bought 105 IP worth of runes, so I save 300.

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Kinda late to the party, but no, Talon isn't any worse than he was before silence. Just now he has zero good matchups in mid...which barely existed before, your early game damage is laughable no matter if you have a silence or a slow. People saying he's useless now clearly never played him.

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Talon's mid/late game burst is outrageous~ A good Talon can full-to-none you faster than an amazing Kha'Zix... From my experience

Getting to your mid/late game without falling behind is your biggest problem with him


Anywho~ I started playing Talon a lot more now, mainly because he's by far one of my favorite champs, and also because everyone thinks he's worthless now.

With just Youmuu's and Last Whisper, you can almost full-burst most squishies if you don't mess up your combo, might take an ignite or an extra auto or two to kill them, but he can do it pretty well


Also, I've kinda liked the change to his E now. Sure "cutthroat" is just a kneebuckle now, but the slow is really nice, even if it is only for 1/4 second. 

"Flash or die"


So yeah, I don't think he's bad, but he's just outclassed by champs like Zed and Kha'Zix.

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Lane Kha'Zix hasn't been a thing for a while now. Sure, it works, I play it at times, but you lose out the extra monster damage on W, and you wanna play your champ to the fullest. Anyways.

Talon technically outscales Zed, and wins in a 1v1 matchup post-level 6. Zed has a strong early while Talon has a shit one, both of them spike in midgame, HOWEVER, lategame, Talon is just better. Even if he doesn't manage to oneshot anyone, he still dealt massive AOE damage in process. Meanwhile, Zed can't assassinate anyone once everyone stack up on those Zhonya's and QSS.

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His overall damage with all the Armor Pen you should be building, Hydra, and his 15% damage bonus, I'm usually surprised when I don't see one get at least one kill when they jump into whatever they jump into. 


Like I said, his late game burst is hilarious, but I still think Kha'Zix is typically a better pick because reset burst champs run this game, and Zed is a debatable case, since he can actually get out if he dives on someone inside the entire enemy team.

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I was originally going to wait to use my 400 free RP until Antlantean Fizz went on sale for 260, but I checked the sales history and it was on sale, like, less than two weeks ago.


I wouldn't have had unlocked Fizz that quickly regardless, but now I know it won't be on sale again for awhile. :(

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I was originally going to wait to use my 400 free RP until Antlantean Fizz went on sale for 260, but I checked the sales history and it was on sale, like, less than two weeks ago.
I wouldn't have had unlocked Fizz that quickly regardless, but now I know it won't be on sale again for awhile. :(

You're not missing out on much. Atlantean Fizz isn't that great. Fisherman/Void are way better (although void gets a lot of hate, not sure why)

So AP Ezreal is still a thing.
Although I regret getting Pulsefire. The animations are sooo borked on that thing .-.

I got pulsefire in a mystery gift. Same with spirit guard udyr.
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You're not missing out on much. Atlantean Fizz isn't that great. Fisherman/Void are way better (although void gets a lot of hate, not sure why)


I think Void gets a lot of hate for the same reasons as PF Ezreal did when it first came out.

Everyone bought it because it looked cool, so people that had no idea how to play the champion were playing him nonstop.

That's my guess, at least. I've seen Void Fizz a lot, and very few of them actually knew how to play the champion. 

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