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Just had [url=http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1606947273/33481751]my most exciting LoL game yet[/url]. At one point we were really behind, pushed back to our base while they still had some lane turrets. After that there were abunch of team fights we were able to come out on top of, and eventually pulled a big comeback.


Having a game last that long, I've never had so much health before. Though the team fights pretty much went like: I initiate > Spin and tank a lot while my teammates attack > I usually die > My teammates finish off the other team.

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That's what I figured, good thing I was doing my job right.


And there's really something satisfying about seeing your health bar when it gains another section from passing another 1000.

Unless I'm mistaken, you appear to be hovering around the midlane. As such, if I were to recommend one champ to play, it'd be Xerath.


Insane poke in lane, practically unlimited mana (due to passive), a stun and AoE slow, and an ult with a MASSIVE range (not global, but still huge). As long as you stay away from the front lines and learn to use W and E for peel, he's super fun to play, and rarely, if EVER loses lane to anyone.

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I play a lot of Karthus. He is by far my favorite and most consistent mid laner. One thing about him is that there are no real counters (unless you count that horned goatfooted skank who cockblocks your ult). In lane, there's really nothing stopping a good Karthus player from farming, which is all he needs to do, plus the poke from his q is ridiculous if you land it on solo targets, plus sometimes you'll get the guys who stand on your q to prevent it from killing a creep, taking damage themselves. You're also a monster in teamfights. Even though you die, you're always taking one or two people with you, potentially more if you have your ult.


I also just remembered I ulted a low health team for a penta, but got a quad because Anivia's passive is stupid.


EDIT: You can farm with auto attacks, but with q, you can kill them from higher health. It's considerably more reliable.

No real counters? Anything that can get into your face is a Karthus counter, even more so if they're AD. Like, Zed is the worst possible matchup I ever experience, not even Exhaust helped, you're basically forced to rush Zhonya's. and if you delay it by a Tear or a Catalyst, the items you NEED ASAP, you're in a pickle. As mentioned before, Syndra is pretty rough too, mainly because she outranges you with her stun, and once she lands it, she doesn't need much more effort to nuke you down.


And if it goes for farming...guys, I beg you, don't be those people. Karthus's autoattacks need time to get used to, because they're slow with a big windup, alright. But for heaven's sake, you can't play karthus consistently if you use ONLY Qs. Your autoattacks still kill creeps, you know.

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Unless I'm mistaken, you appear to be hovering around the midlane. As such, if I were to recommend one champ to play, it'd be Xerath.


Insane poke in lane, practically unlimited mana (due to passive), a stun and AoE slow, and an ult with a MASSIVE range (not global, but still huge). As long as you stay away from the front lines and learn to use W and E for peel, he's super fun to play, and rarely, if EVER loses lane to anyone.


Well, I usually go solo top more as Garen, but in that game I kinda fed the enemy Zed, so I ended up helping out mid more because top wasn't going anywhere. But noted. I just pick champions whether I like them aesthetically, and Xerath's cool looking.

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Someone give me a quick rundown on Jungle Kha'Zix runes/masteries. I'm going to pick him up on my smurf and try to just use him up to level 30, reset champions being op in lower level/low elo games and what not. 


It is basically the same as mid/top Kha'Zix, or do you go more defensive/sustain oriented? I honestly have no idea when it comes to assassin junglers. <3

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Someone give me a quick rundown on Jungle Kha'Zix runes/masteries. I'm going to pick him up on my smurf and try to just use him up to level 30, reset champions being op in lower level/low elo games and what not. 


It is basically the same as mid/top Kha'Zix, or do you go more defensive/sustain oriented? I honestly have no idea when it comes to assassin junglers. <3


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There's a summoner icon? I had no idea... woops. 


So, I know they changed him a while ago, but what are the thoughts of the junglers here on Talon now that he has a slow instead of a silence?

Think that'll make him better/worse as a junger, or does it even make a difference?

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Right now I've got about 4200 IP, I'm debating if I want to save up for a more expensive champion or buy a cheaper one. So far the list of Champions I want to all own eventually is:











Right now I'm just playing Garen.

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Do you want another all-in champ like Leona, or a more poke/sustain support to contrast her?


Good all-in/CC heavy supports are Thresh and Zyra.


But if you want a more poke-heavy/sustain heavy support...


You can either go with straight up poke and lockdown, for which you'd want Morgana, Lux, or Braum.


Or you can go with a more sustain-oriented support like Soraka or Taric.


OR you can go with a nice mix of poke and sustain with supports like Nami and Sona.

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