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Well, no, I guess not.  It depends on the situation.  Not every jungler can dive well. 

Keep in mind, the laners are also a factor here. Someone like Renekton, Nasus, and Riven for example are very good at diving, but by the same token, they're not someone you would want to recklessly dive due to either their tankiness, crowd control, and damage. As far as good diving junglers, Lee Sin, Jarvan, Vi, and Sejuani are very good at it, however, you would ideally want to double up on them. Diving bot lane is a bit trickier due to there being two champions instead of just one, and someone like Nami, Thresh, or Leona would be pretty good at keeping their carry safe during one of these, potentially turning the fight around for them if the dive isn't properly executed.

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I don't try to chew out junglers, but sometimes you get ones that are just f***ing useless to your lane. I was pinging for help practically every three minutes so I could get this f**king Sion I was facing in top lane taken down, but the Vi was either too busy farming or ganking the bottom lane the whole time. The ONLY two times I EVER got her f**king attention was when I died. Never mind me asking for her help or anything, cause apparently her time was too precious despite me having a stun so she could lay down the damage unless I was dead. And the second time she got the kill on Sion that wouldn't have required me to f**king die, but apparently that's the only way I could get her attention.


Also Shirley, the Golem/Lizard camps rise at 1:55, not 2:05.

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So I had my first non AI game yesterday, went like [url=http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1602845987/33481751]this[/url]. My friend who set it up was the Malzahar, the next day at work he apologized for going ham during the game. XD

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So I had a game earlier where I was playing with 4 friends, and I was playing Braum top for reasons. Three of my friends were doing really badly (two don't play much, the third was lagging really hard), and I was feeding pretty badly too (Braum vs LB qq). We hadn't taken any turrets except mid outer and inner, we were down like 30k gold, and their Kennen had 30+ kills. We managed to catch him out and get their inhib, but then they just kept on winning.


Then we dumped everything on Kennen again, pushed into their base, and Twitch and Lee xPeke'd them into oblivion. It was glorious: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1606072194/209813671

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His ult did surprise me at first. He killed me a couple times with it before I figured out what the heck was going on, but once I knew what was up I didn't really have any issues with it for the rest of the match. I wouldn't call it OP, at least not before I see it in use myself.

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The one tip I can give you for Karthus is to avoid last hitting with autoattacks whenever possible. Use your Q, 'cause his auto animation is terrible.


Since his graphical change his autos are a lot easier to last hit with, but I can agree wholeheartedly with your statement.  It's much better to last hit with your Q than your auto.

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I play a lot of Karthus. He is by far my favorite and most consistent mid laner. One thing about him is that there are no real counters (unless you count that horned goatfooted skank who cockblocks your ult). In lane, there's really nothing stopping a good Karthus player from farming, which is all he needs to do, plus the poke from his q is ridiculous if you land it on solo targets, plus sometimes you'll get the guys who stand on your q to prevent it from killing a creep, taking damage themselves. You're also a monster in teamfights. Even though you die, you're always taking one or two people with you, potentially more if you have your ult.


I also just remembered I ulted a low health team for a penta, but got a quad because Anivia's passive is stupid.


EDIT: You can farm with auto attacks, but with q, you can kill them from higher health. It's considerably more reliable.

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