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So I'm level 30.  Not sure when I want to go play ranked.   I'm not necessarily going to do the whole 500 wins before touching it thing, but I'm definitely not ready as of now.


Question, it all resets each season right?  Is there any downside of playing now just to see where I land before the season ends?

It does reset, but your rating in a given season does somewhat affect your MMR for placement matches and stuff in the next season. But given that you'll probably still be in the Bronze-Silver range both now and in S5 unless you become some sort of god, there's not much of a reason to not just play ranked and see what happens.

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Heca's no way top tier, but he's still pretty good, he has nice damage and strong disruption with his ulti.


I don't care about tiers, when I first started playing I just looked at pictures of all the champions and decided who I'd try based on aesthetics alone. Malphite and Hecarim were two of them. But it's good to know Hecarim's not terrible.

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Honestly, most bot lane ADCs tend to be complete tools.


This is basically how it goes. More often than not the ADCs are like that.

Just gotta bot lane with friends that you know are cool with whatever.

I'm telling you guys! Play with friends!

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Rod  Pacman do I have you added in League? 




Also, 4-1 now.  Played Support and we just got wrecked.  At least it was just being outplayed.  No one on our team made any retarded mistakes.  


edit: 4-2


So, Teemo: 100% win-rate


Leona: 0% win-rate


I think I'm gonna play Teemo. 


edit: 4-5 ffs some of these people


I've never seen a Tristana play well. 

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Well, you are tilting pretty hard if you went from 4-0 to 4-5. It happens to all of us and it's good it's happened to you early because now you know and can avoid it in the future.


The general rule of thumb is if you feel like you are playing badly and you lose 2-3 games in a row, leave it for the day (or extended time period).

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So, today proved me that everyone shpuld be able to play Orianna to at least decent degree. She's just so insanely strong.

Early game you're very safe, you have the ability to farm from long range, and you can easily take Wraith camps dues to your AoE skills, so it's hard to shut you down. You have tons if freedom as to what spells you will be maxing, even the shield is viable if you're vs something like LeBlanc or Zed, to soak up the damage.

Mid game, you start to pick up on power. Skirmishes and dragon fights will be happening now, so your Shockwave is at its very strong point, and you have lots of opportunities to use it. You will also start dealing respectable damage around now. Two things worth noting about her ulti: don't be scared to use it to hit a single person. It might secure a lot of kills or save your ass, and the cooldown isn't huge.

Late game, Ori is a monster. Shockwave's impact is enormous in 5v5 teamfights, your abilities are on very low cooldowns and hit like a truck. You're great in sieges due to your waveclear. You're near unkillable with the imassive shield and Zhonya's, possibly GA. Your kit gives so much free stats to your team it's crazy. Also fun thing to try out: if you need an "instant" Shockwave (can't afford Command: Attack's travel time) you can ulti while ball is on you and then Flash into enemy team before it explodes. No one sees it coming.

Basically, Ori has everyhing you could ask for, she's easy to play at basic level, and is divine when mastered. Plus, due to her utility, she will always be good unless they cut down her damage to laughable levels. IMO, she's the best midlaner out there.

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Lost it. So 4 wins then full tilt. Also was stuck playing WW in my last game, who I have little experience with.

But, it just confirms what I already knew. I need more experience. I have a decent win/loss ratio in normals, but my win total is 113 or something. I'm gonna focus on practicing a champ or two for each role really hard in preperation for s5.

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I've already decided on Leona as my supp main.  Even bought the pool party skin.


Morgana is good but she's banned in almost every game. 


I've pretty much decided that I'm gonna have about 2, maybe 3 champs for each role and just practice the shit out of each one in normals.  There's too little guarantee of getting the role you want in draft pick.


So far I've decided:


Teemo/Nasus top

Kayle/Teemo mid, maybe one more hypercarry

Draven/Someone else adc
Leona/Maybe Thresh supp

Lee Sin/Warwick or Volibear jungle

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Morgana is good but she's banned in almost every game. 

This is the only reason I didn't recommend her first. Morg's super good right now, but you never got to play her in ranked, so.


Is Teemo even good mid? I guess if you wanna main him, that works. ADC wise, Cait's an easy one, Jinx is too (although she doesn't have an escape), and Lucian's still really good. You can really do w/e with ADCs, though.

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This is the only reason I didn't recommend her first. Morg's super good right now, but you never got to play her in ranked, so.


Is Teemo even good mid? I guess if you wanna main him, that works. ADC wise, Cait's an easy one, Jinx is too (although she doesn't have an escape), and Lucian's still really good. You can really do w/e with ADCs, though.

Teemo isn't amazing mid, but I'm comfortable playing him and going mid gives him good mushroom access to the whole map. 

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Personally I think I'm strongest when mid, as I much prefer using casters like Karthus and Malzahar to blow people away. It truly is fun watching even Yasuo squirm when his shield gets blown on Malz' Null Zone.


As for my set-up, I'm like this:


Top: Teemo/Theoretical aggresive Taric

Mid: Malzahar/Karthus

ADC: Miss Whoretune/Might wanna try Jinx

Supp: Zilean/Taric

Jungle: I'm terrible at it, but Nocturne/Shaco


I need a lot more experience jungling honestly.

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