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Yes that definitely is a thing. FNC HYPEEEE



On a different subject, I've been noticing recently I seem to suck ass in lane and rarely win but when it gets to mid-late game most of the time I am mechanically better than the enemy team and can carry a lot of the time (in my elo that is). Probably because everyone in low elos plays so damn aggressive and love to all in whenever they can >.<

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Laning is all about managing trades and CSing at the same time, if you want to practice, Graves is good for bot, Orianna is good for mid, and there are a million and a half top laners that are good at both, namely Riven, Aatrox, Gnar, Nasus, Malphite, etc...


Late game is about picking your moment, knowing who to focus, who not to focus, keeping EVERYTHING warded, what to prioritize, whether or not you should ball up, how you can engage/counter-engage, and how to itemize, to name a few things.... :3

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That is all true but its hard as fk when you literally jungled for most of your league time (me) and get rekt by lane mains when you lane some games. I've been moving away from jungle recently though and I'm kinda getting the hang of this whole laning business.

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So I've been playing me some Zac, and I gotta say, he's a lot of fun. It feels like he does a lot more damage than people say, at least when you have items. Like in a game yesterday, with only a Sunfire, I beat a Triforce Irelia 1v1. Plus diving into their team and wreaking havoc is a good time, especially 'cause you don't actually die when you die.

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Honestly, I don't feel right in the jungle. I prefer being in lane where the action is, preferably mid. And Zac does tend to be a bit stronger than people think. Never underestimate him when he uses the stretch punch.


I've seen a few Azir's so far in game, but he seems to only really do well if he's fed enough.

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I've been playing Azir myself, with very little success....
So far, I think he's going to be really REALLY item dependent, especially chalice, it should always be your first item on him.

Once you get some items though, you can do a lot of fancy things.


On another note, I've been dying quite a bit from people just straight up walking through my ult, it's been a pretty disappointing trip, I must say. :p

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That's the key to him early on, along with mana management.


Later on it's a matter of staying within your Q range of the enemy, otherwise you don't get anything accomplished, literally nothing. 

That's been my biggest problem, I don't remember to stutter step when my soldiers are eating people, and they inevitably get away from me later in the game.

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"So reliant" is an understatement. He literally can't do anything without his soldiers, and even just CSing with him without soldiers before level 6~ish is a nightmare itself. 


That being said, I think I'm going to start maxing Q first, and see how that goes, just so that I can reposition his soldiers more often, instead of being completely screwed after I Q.

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His soldiers would easily be broken if they acted like Heimer turrets and did whatever they wanted to. Keeping one or two behind the enemy caster minions all the while you're safely farming while your soldiers are harassing/zoning the enemy laner without you having to do anything other than keep them there would break him.


And yes, he is a late game champion, but that's because, like I said earlier, he's really item dependent. He needs his items to be able to do anything.

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Most AP champions can still do what they're designed to do with minimal items.


From the start of the roster and excluding who you mentioned, Ahri, Akali, Annie, Brand, Diana, Elise, Fiddle, Eve, Fizz, Kat, Kennen, LB, Lux, Morgana, Ori, Rumble, Syndra, Veigar, Vel'Koz, Xerath, Ziggs and Zyra all do what they're designed to without relying very heavily on items at all. Don't get me wrong, items help them extremely, but they don't need them. Because of his extreme CDR dependence, specifically, he NEEDS to cap it to be useful at all, assuming he's not with at least two other teammates.


I'm considering trying 25% CDR on my rune/mastery pages, then rushing Ionian boots. I think that might work as long as I play passively early. We'll see.

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Honestly that sounds like a complete waste. You don't have to play him passively, you just need to NOT play him aggressively. That's the problem I feel. He doesn't need to max ASAP, but if he does then I reckon he should go with Nashor's, just because it's such a jerk item that can go pretty well with Liandry since the soldier's attack is magic damage. Hell, it might even be worth just rushing Liandry's first just for the bonus damage it offers.

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