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So I keep looking at Riot's decision to rewrite the lore, and I don't know what to think about it.

Like, I know why they're doing it, but how they're going about it is something I don't agree with.
Like the retcon of the Institute of War. Doing something like that is like taking the "League" out of the "League of Legends."

On another note, if anyone wants to play with me, I'm a level 30 summoner who has an avid love for bot matches, with over 2,300 of them under my belt. I do Normals too, but not as often.
Summoner name is "Hatsune Miku L"

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Ah, well that settles that then, disregard what I had said I guess. I don't really follow the lore overall, only specific champion lore, and occasionally some fanmade stuff, like Helmet Bro. As long as they don't touch Renekton and Nasus lore, I think I'll be ok with any changes.

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Er, I'm in the same boat. Just completely getting rid of the Summoners and Institute is a BIT too far for me. But we'll have to see what happens.




Is it just me, or is Karma top really really good?


Like, Lulu top, but with less utility, an equal amount of disengage, and way more damage?

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It also destroys a lot of Champions lore. Ex: Lee Sin would be gone (ex-summoner), Renekton would be dead (saved once Nasus was summoned), Cho'Gath would've destroyed the world (bound to the League to keep this from happening).


The list goes on. Same with a bunch of Champion dialogue.

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Ah, well that settles that then, disregard what I had said I guess. I don't really follow the lore overall, only specific champion lore, and occasionally some fanmade stuff, like Helmet Bro. As long as they don't touch Renekton and Nasus lore, I think I'll be ok with any changes.


If you go about halfway through that, you'll see the updated lores for Amumu, Ezreal, Nasus, Rammus, Renekton, Sivir, Skarner, and Xerath.

Some serious changes afoot >_<
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If you looked at the current (old) state of the lore you would realise in how much of a dire need of a rework it was. Barely anyone that played knew the lore existed and for those that did it was hard to even know the whole story.

What they are doing is smart, this way everyone will be more aware of the actual background and story behind league. As for changing the whole lore, meh, I guess they did what they felt was necessary.

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To be honest, you gotta give them credit for their mentality. Instead of trying to hack together some subpar solution that'd let them keep the old lore, they said "Screw it!" decided to go for broke. Being an established game with a monumental fanbase, this was actually a decently risky move.


Can't wait to see what they bring out.

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Well I doubt I'll reach 30 this season.  When does the next one start?


It's basically a season a year as far as I know, beginning at the start of the year. I only started playing late season 3 so I'm not entirely sure how it works.


Current Season is 4, next year will be 5 etc.

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