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Speaking of Syndra, watching Bjerg play her is an amazing experience. Definitely a ban out for him, no matter the scenario.

With so much untapped power at his fingertips I'd believe a ban would be warranted too xD

Oh, I've been browsing the League forums lately and there's been QQ on Ahri. Some people are saying she's too OP; others are saying she's in just the right spot. What do you guys think about the League's foxy lady?
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Not sure if homo to fap to :^)

@Tenta: Once you get to level 30 and then eventually higher ELO's you will find teemo is only used as a specific counter to someone, or a troll/boredom pick.

He is useless in teamfights and his splitpush potential is horrible compared to most tops.
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Also if the TF built AP like he is meant to, having his full combo ready would make him able to 1 shot most people on that team.

I can understand AD TF because of the sustain, AS utility with his E passive and triforce/bork/shyv procs but AP is just so much better. Better to 1 shot their carry with Lich Bane proc then Zhonyas and let your team clean up.

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He was playing really well.  Pretty much the only person I couldn't destroy 1v1 one.  The rest of his team was doing too poorly though. 


Anyway, it's not like I play optimally either.   I usually go for Runaan's even though it's really not the best on AP Teemo.  Makes it so easy to push lanes late game though. 

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Oh, I've been browsing the League forums lately and there's been QQ on Ahri. Some people are saying she's too OP; others are saying she's in just the right spot. What do you guys think about the League's foxy lady?

That's just ridiculous. A little while back when she got her nerfs, people were QQing about how she's nerfed to oblivion or whatever.


These people are nuts.

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LoL forums is hilarious. Like, the day before Gnar came out there were tons of topics complaining about he was "OP and had an "overloaded kit".


Then he came out and there was an equal amount of topics complaining about how he was terribad. And of course, later, you wouldn't believe the amount of people complaining about Azir's passive.

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