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My experiences so far with League have been hit and miss, I either really enjoy reking house or get completely bored of dying to kids who are smurfs, it may also be down to the fact that my experiences have been on OCE and NA servers respectively, although my main is EU.


I've bought a couple of skins and eh, it's ok. League was really good about 5 years ago but there are better games out now imho.

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-Soraka will receive a Harrowing skin this year if everything goes according to the plan

-Yasuo and Wukong skins are in works (rumors say it's Victorious Yasuo, which would make sense granted he's been appearing a lot)

-Ultimate skin and the new Ascension game mode will be up in 1/2 months

-Ultimate skin will be for a champion who lacks skins

-Headhunter Caitlyn should be in patch 4.14, and if not, 4.15 is the ultimate date it will come out no matter what

-Patch 4.14 will be the World Championship patch]

-Patch 4.15 will bring "something huge" and "it might be the best patch ever". (Summoner's Rift VU AND an ultimate skin AND Ascension in one patch?)

-Shyvana will receive a skin in the following months (Mecha Shyvana?)

-In this year, we won't see any new support OR female champions

-Dunkmaster Darius has been pushed back due to voiceover

-No Swain skins until his VU. (Dragonmaster Swain confirmed NOT to be an ultimate skin.)

-Sion 2.0 out until end of this year, probably sooner.

-Jinx skin in early stage of works


Digged up from Reddit. You can call me out on it if anything turns out untrue.

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-Soraka will receive a Harrowing skin this year if everything goes according to the plan Reverse Soraka confirmed Screen_Shot_2014_08_04_at_7_38_51_AM.png

-Yasuo and Wukong skins are in works (rumors say it's Victorious Yasuo, which would make sense granted he's been appearing a lot) I think it's too soon for a Yasuo skin, so I'm not that happy with that. Wukong, though, is fine.

-Ultimate skin and the new Ascension game mode will be up in 1/2 months The Ascension rumors about stuff like Xerath make me excited.

-Ultimate skin will be for a champion who lacks skins ...Could be Battlecast Skarner, like the thread said. Skarner has like... 2 skins.

-Headhunter Caitlyn should be in patch 4.14, and if not, 4.15 is the ultimate date it will come out no matter what Lol this skin

-Patch 4.14 will be the World Championship patch] Makes sense, considering the fact below

-Patch 4.15 will bring "something huge. Really huge". SR RW, anyone?

-Shyvana will receive a skin in the following months (Mecha Shyvana?) I guess she deserves one. I'd rather see Full Metal Shyv, though.

-In this year, we won't see any new support OR female champions BOOOOOOO


Digged up from Reddit. You can call me out on it if anything turns out untrue.

Dunno what to think of some of this. I don't trust leaks, but more often than I'd like they're notoriously trustworthy.


I guess we'll just have to see.

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