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I disagree entirely.  People say that every game has a rager or troll or feeder and that is beyond an exaggeration.  I get them maybe once in every 10 games.


I get them more like... oh, gosh, 1/30 on a bad week. People get mildly angry at times but never anything worse than that.

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I guess there aren't that many toxic players because most people play several games a day on average and just focus on the few that have toxic players in them, though for me it's definitely atleast half.


The worst is when one of your lanes wins but the others lose hard then the 1 fed guy on your team thinks he's god, overextends, dies to the other laners and says "wow report feed".

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Urgh, I'm taking a break from league for a while. My MMR has got to the point where I gain 15 LP ~ for a win and  lose 25 ~ for a loss.


I came back from my losing streak and am now winning roughly 2.5:1 games just its impossible to climb :'c rito plz

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Alright, got in my series!


...For Gold II.


...Again. I swear, I can never STAY in Gold II. I just sort of visit.



EDIT: Back into Gold II. Maybe I'll hit Gold I this time.


EDIT2: So, I have 66 LP in Gold II right now. Looking good. But then I checked my match history, and I'm on a 9 win Ranked streak right now. =o

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Alright, got in my series!


...For Gold II.


...Again. I swear, I can never STAY in Gold II. I just sort of visit.



EDIT: Back into Gold II. Maybe I'll hit Gold I this time.


EDIT2: So, I have 66 LP in Gold II right now. Looking good. But then I checked my match history, and I'm on a 9 win Ranked streak right now. =o


Damn dude, keep it up and you'll get to plat in no time. I'm personally having trouble climbing out of silver and staying there, floating back and forth between Silver II and Gold V.

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Wait why are we comparing it to silver and not bronze? Meh, I guess the only difference is mechanically silver players are minutely better, but everyone is still an ass.


Every game has arrogant/annoying/bitchy people, not just LoL. Assholes are everywhere. Most of us that complain about toxicity are or at some point have been dicks ourselves. Unfortunately nothing can really be done about people's attitudes.

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Hey, I just got Anivia. I'm trying to build Seraph's Embrace, but the games end too quickly. Maybe if I combine Tear of the Goddess with Archangel's Staff, it could work. Need to build Gold gathering stuff first though.

No, don't build income items on Anivia. To be able to finish it, get your Tear of the Goddess on your first back. Also, make sure you're farming properly. You'll get more gold out of farming than you'd get from a gold income item. The only mid laners who should build one are Talon and Yasuo and that's only because they build Ghostblade and Stattik Shiv, both of which require Avarice Blade.
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No, don't build income items on Anivia. To be able to finish it, get your Tear of the Goddess on your first back. Also, make sure you're farming properly. You'll get more gold out of farming than you'd get from a gold income item. The only mid laners who should build one are Talon and Yasuo and that's only because they build Ghostblade and Stattik Shiv, both of which require Avarice Blade.


Missed out Zed and Nocturne but yeah you should never really build gold income items unless you are playing support (not including jungle items).


Honestly Astro you should start watching streamers or youtubers and see what they build (doesn't mean copy the items exactly) to get an idea of what to build on who. If you keep continuing with your (no offence) but clueless builds you will struggle when it comes to higher level play and you will just get melted by the enemy laner.

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Don't build gold income on any of those champions 99% of the time.  Brutalizer and Zeal >>>>>>>>> Avarice Blade

You only build them if you're behind. or you backed with only enough gold for the Avarice and you already have Brutalizer or Zeal.


Last season, it was acceptable to build income items on some people. I mean I personally was a fan of the Philo Stone/Kage's Pick build on Ryze.

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A champion like anivia needs her mana items fast, there's no point in building income items on her. Once you get to 6 you should be able to outfarm anyone anyways with the bird. Just steal all your junglers camps.

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My computer got hijacked by my mother who decided to go clothes shopping online as soon as my game started now I got 9 afk reports.


Damn that sucks :c


I don't really care about afk reports, they never add up to anything, even if I get a warning I just take a break a few days then come back. My temper has gotten terrible recently though, I've just gotten to the point where muting isn't enough for me. I probably have anger problems or something. These days if I get flamed for no reason or people have a go at me for doing nothing wrong I literally just say "1 more flame and I'm out".


I know I'm a dick for doing this to the people on the team that weren't trolling/flaming but I just can't stand it anymore. It's not exactly a common occurrence so I don't feel too bad, but when it does happen I just can't be bothered to put up with a bunch of immature kids screaming at you and thinking they are the best in the world.


tl;dr: Don't play a game when you are tired or having a bad day as it will most likely only get worse and make you want to leave.

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The thing is in order to build Seraph's Embrace you need to max out the Bonus Mana at 750. The game is over before I even get that far, and using spells doesn't help. There have to be items that build mana boosts faster, so I can build the +750 bonus Mana and get Seraph's Embrace.

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