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On a different note, I presume there is some support mains or experienced support players here, here's my question: what do you do late game? Just in general.

Most of the time when I fill support or just feel like playing it, I play an aggressive poke-heavy support like Morgana, Annie, Fiddle etc. and pretty much most games we win our lane. But after laning phase I have no clue what to do and most of the time just end up giving out free kills.

Do you just stick with your adc? Go warding everywhere? What if the team is split up, do I stay bot?

Just a few questions since I'm trying to get better at support and play something other than jungle/top/mid (I hate adc btw).


Once in the late game, I will, for the most part, stay in the highest priority area in the map, which is usually where the greater portion of my teammates are. I'll examine the variables of the map (Dragon [+timer], Baron [+timer], what turrets are up, where is the enemy hanging around, etc), determine which area, if we lost a teamfight there, would put us massively behind, then go there.


An effective support should be able to turn around a teamfight, especially with someone like my main, Nami. A single R can win us that fight.


If there are no high priority areas to go to, I'll stick with the nearest teammate. If there are more than one, I'll stick with the weakest of them. But in this case, if my ADC is one of the choices, I'll always default to him/her.


In any other cases, I'll be warding, using my sweeper, and on rare occasions, trying my best to clear waves or stall an enemy split-pusher.

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Once in the late game, I will, for the most part, stay in the highest priority area in the map, which is usually where the greater portion of my teammates are. I'll examine the variables of the map (Dragon [+timer], Baron [+timer], what turrets are up, where is the enemy hanging around, etc), determine which area, if we lost a teamfight there, would put us massively behind, then go there.


An effective support should be able to turn around a teamfight, especially with someone like my main, Nami. A single R can win us that fight.


If there are no high priority areas to go to, I'll stick with the nearest teammate. If there are more than one, I'll stick with the weakest of them. But in this case, if my ADC is one of the choices, I'll always default to him/her.


In any other cases, I'll be warding, using my sweeper, and on rare occasions, trying my best to clear waves or stall an enemy split-pusher.


Two games in a row I got off a clutch Nami ult at baron with my team following up winning us games in which we were behind.

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Nami's ult is probably one of my favorite abilities in the game. Great for engages, great for disengages, super long range, decent damage, knockup AND slow, speeds up your teammates, and the turnaround potential is so massive it's insane. Only REAL problem is has is that it's slow-ish, so it's kinda easy to dodge.

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Nami doesn't scale well enough for that

Compensate by having an AP heavy Support, like Morg. You end up with two supports that do support things while still dealing Tons of Damage™.


Just theory crafting here, but it'd be fun to try one day.

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I've been playing LoL since September 2012.

I mostly play Normals. In terms of ranked, I was Silver V last season because I only played like ten times. Always put with high silvers and low golds, though.

As we speak, I am in my placement matched, currently at 6 wins and 0 losses.

If this YCM idea was sincere

The roles I fulfill are:

Top: Malphite, Warwick
Mid: Galio, Orianna
Jungle: Warwick
Support: Sona, Jarvan
Gangplank anywhere....

Mostly Malphite and Sona. Sona is probably my best champion ever. I've been playing her almost since I started and would very often be praised by my entire team. I build her a tad traditionally, though.

Either way, I love her.

I have almost used Malphite as much. I literally do not remember going negative with Malphite. I mean, not just because he's hard to kill, but I am very aggressive with him and, at the beginning, like to use his passive to prompt enemies to trade with me behind my minions.

Oh, and I love going support Gangplank with Relic Shield.

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Game 1: I go TF mid in ranked. It's like my third time ever playing as TF.


I don't do TOO bad. I get outplayed by Ziggs a bunch but I played well when and where it counted. 6/5/8


Game 2: I go Nami support in ranked. We have a TF mid.


He goes 2/10/something


Feeds morg a bunch. We lose.


Look at what I coulda BEEN.

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