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All Stars was pretty much:


SKT never losing a game

C9 beating everyone but SKT in the group stage, but losing to OMG in the semifinals

OMG Got 2nd, 2-2 in groups

Fnatic only beat TPA

TPA lost every game


LCS wise, here are all the roster swaps I can remember:


[spoiler=spoiler'd because long]

TSM: Amazing replaced OddOne, Gleebglarbu replaced Xspecial

Curse: Xspecial replaced BunnyFuFu

Dignitas: Zion and Shiphtur replaced Cruzer and Scarra

CLG: Seraph is (probably) the one to replace Nien


Copenhagen Wolves: Amazing and Forg1ven are being replaced by...people

Gambit: Alex left, no replacement yet

SHC: Migxa got replaced, don't remember the guy's name


And probably other stuff I forgot about. A lot of stuff happened.


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Learn to play mid or jungler, it gives you a full understanding on how moving around the map works and will improve your map awareness in general. Also, mid and jungle are the two easiest positions to carry from.

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^this. I'd learn jungler first, playing in the jungle a lot gives you an internal buff/dragon/baron timer, so usually you can more or less guess when they respawn. It comes in handy on other roles as well, when you wanna steal their red/blue as botlane etc.

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Learn to play mid or jungler, it gives you a full understanding on how moving around the map works and will improve your map awareness in general. Also, mid and jungle are the two easiest positions to carry from.

Yeah, I know. It's just hard for me to comprehend this sort of stuff. Like, if I'm a laner, there are about 4 OBVIOUS cues of when I should leave lane.


1. My enemy laner's tower is destroyed.

2. Allies are grouping somewhere.

3. Baron

4. Dragon


It's not so easy when you're Jungle or mid, as ganks and mid roam have few obvious cues and are still crucial to the game.


Gotta look into this stuff more. Also gonna try playing Mid some more.

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Yeah, I know. It's just hard for me to comprehend this sort of stuff. Like, if I'm a laner, there are about 4 OBVIOUS cues of when I should leave lane.


1. My enemy laner's tower is destroyed.

2. Allies are grouping somewhere.

3. Baron

4. Dragon


It's not so easy when you're Jungle or mid, as ganks and mid roam have few obvious cues and are still crucial to the game.


Gotta look into this stuff more. Also gonna try playing Mid some more.




If you're in top or bottom lane the only real reason to leave lane is for dragon or if your trying to steal a jungle buff with your jungler. You can try to gank mid lane but youll probably lose out on more farm and EXP than its worth. For mid lane, if your lane is pushed to the opponents tower and your top or bottom lane is being pushed, you can leave lane and make a gank. Only leave lane if you have your wave pushed to their tower. You'll be losing farm and EXP otherwise. If the enemy is low and hugging their tower you can also gank them but thats a bit more risky.

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If you're in top or bottom lane the only real reason to leave lane is for dragon or if your trying to steal a jungle buff with your jungler. You can try to gank mid lane but youll probably lose out on more farm and EXP than its worth. For mid lane, if your lane is pushed to the opponents tower and your top or bottom lane is being pushed, you can leave lane and make a gank. Only leave lane if you have your wave pushed to their tower. You'll be losing farm and EXP otherwise. If the enemy is low and hugging their tower you can also gank them but thats a bit more risky.

I'm gonna be playing TF mid. If anyone will help me know when to roam, it'll be him and his magic teleport powers. After all, Faker is quoted saying that any respectable midlaner should know how to play TF (since he teaches you to look at the minimap more often), so why not?

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Only spells I use are Heal and Revive. Nothing more than that.


Also, try Piercing Miss Fortune:


Ganaan Hurricane, Black Cleaver, Avarice Blade, Last Whisper, Berserker Greves. Worked for me.


I'm Prefering Mid Fortune nowadays (Aka Hydrid Miss Fortune), Also in your Build Avarice Blade is not Upgraded into anything? Come On at least make a Stattik Shiv with it


Oh and Braum is AWESOME...I Freaking Loved Playing it. (But I still have to figure out an optimal Build for him)

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Could of You Guys Give me tips on Top........



Im an Amazing Support i main Allistar and Amumu (CC) 


but i need to master top to be a decent player in league and if you needed be a more lucid role for Solo Que and Team...... 

In top lane, farm, trade and ward your choke points. Once the turret goes down move to mid lane and do the same thing. Top lane means your pretty much isolated from the rest of your team until you take the enemy turret. If you run TP save it for a dragon fight then return to your island of top lane and continue farming. The most important part of top is getting a good CS and not dying to ganks.

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In top lane, farm, trade and ward your choke points. Once the turret goes down move to mid lane and do the same thing. Top lane means your pretty much isolated from the rest of your team until you take the enemy turret. If you run TP save it for a dragon fight then return to your island of top lane and continue farming. The most important part of top is getting a good CS and not dying to ganks.

There goes my weekend xD
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Anyone have a good Heimer build?

Uhh...I heard rushing Zhonya's is pretty good. No idea what to build after that ._.

On a different note, I presume there is some support mains or experienced support players here, here's my question: what do you do late game? Just in general.

Most of the time when I fill support or just feel like playing it, I play an aggressive poke-heavy support like Morgana, Annie, Fiddle etc. and pretty much most games we win our lane. But after laning phase I have no clue what to do and most of the time just end up giving out free kills.

Do you just stick with your adc? Go warding everywhere? What if the team is split up, do I stay bot?

Just a few questions since I'm trying to get better at support and play something other than jungle/top/mid (I hate adc btw).
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Uhh...I heard rushing Zhonya's is pretty good. No idea what to build after that ._.

On a different note, I presume there is some support mains or experienced support players here, here's my question: what do you do late game? Just in general.

Most of the time when I fill support or just feel like playing it, I play an aggressive poke-heavy support like Morgana, Annie, Fiddle etc. and pretty much most games we win our lane. But after laning phase I have no clue what to do and most of the time just end up giving out free kills.

Do you just stick with your adc? Go warding everywhere? What if the team is split up, do I stay bot?

Just a few questions since I'm trying to get better at support and play something other than jungle/top/mid (I hate adc btw).


You stick with your ADC but at that point if you have won your line, you and your Adc should be running around the Rift, warding Dragon, Baron and the Buffs each time to pass by them and helping finishing other turrets

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When I play Heimer my build is different every game.  Versus an AD I'll buy an early Seeker's, but I wont necessarily finish the Zhonya's if I'm not fed enough.  I'll rush an Athene's against AP champs.  After than it's just whatever I feel like.  Rabaddon's, Void Staff, Zhonya's, Athene's, Sorc Boots and something else is a typical six item build.

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