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9 Attack Speed reds

9 Scaling Armor yellows (Flat Armor or Scaling Health could work too.)

9 Scaling Magic Resist blues

3 Attack Speed Quints


5/21/4 Masteries


Boots of Mobility

Feral Flare

Wit's End


The basic core, rest of items is interchangable depends on the game but if you squeeze in a Sunfire Cape there, holy hell s*** gets crazy,


Interesting gonna try it out now
Shame that the game didn't gave me the Astro Nauti Skin my friend sent me as a present...days ago...>_>

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So I'm reading this feral flare nautilus stuff. I would agree he does a lot of damage between his W and his passive but his attack speed is literally .613 base, with a 1% per level. I mean, I don't think there is anything worse than that for a melee champion. I was kinda mad that Skarner has .625 base, I thought he might be better if they made it .63 or .651 but this nautilus guy and that .613. The damage from the W isn't really on hit as it is over time, so getting in extra hits doesn't really matter, as long as you're constantly auto attacking then the W damage remains the same regardless of attack speed, so he doesn't benefit much from the feral flare.


What really benefits nautilus in doing damage is building tank, since his biggest problem with damage is that he only does damage while his shield is up, and his shield staying up is very dependent on how tanky he is. pseudo tankiness from lifesteal doesn't really count here since it doesn't prevent the shield from breaking. Stuff like HP, or resistances benefit him much more, especially with the recent buffs to his bonus HP ratio on his W. It just seems rather obvious that you would want to stick with Ancient Golem on Naut, he also has the problem of mana sustain while clearing the jungle and for the most part is a gank oriented jungler, even with a wriggles he doesn't outfarm carry junglers so he would be behind if he focused on the flare. Also, he is very easy to invade as is, if you dedicate your time to staying in the jungle then it just becomes much more likely that you will get caught.


Although, Feral Flare + Wit's End is a pretty good mid game build for some champs. I like it most on GP since he has built in magic damage in his kit, has a perma slow with chase potential (bonus MS and CC removal) and decent base attack speed. Some champs do this better, but they usually synergize more with heavy glass items like botrk, such as nocturne/Yi/Tryndamere. GP also has a jungle playstyle that does well with feral flare, since his early game is very strong to get in ganks or counter ganks while he has his red (he beats out lee sin/vi/xin Zhao in the early levels, so at the very least if they invade GP he can kill them for trying) and transitions into a farmer thanks to his global ultimate and his q. His E and global ult are also very good for getting assists for stacks.  

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Protip for everyone: wanna win soloq, play Zed or Yasuo. Really. Not Leblanc is broken, nor Ziggs, nor Master Yi, or Xin Zhao, nope. It's all Zed and Yasuo. I can't think of any other champions who are completly dependant only on your skill. If you're a good Zed/Yasuo, you WILL win.

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I'm not a good mid though. When I call "fill," I usually have to add "except mid," since I HAVE ended up as a mid by filling before.


I'm best top, adc, or support. I'm getting really polished as a support, having played as one so many times.

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I prefer to play a top that's a little less high-risk than Zed and Yasuo.


Currently, my preferred AP top is Rumble, and my preferred AD top is Jayce.


Rumble is a monster in teamfights, as a good R with Liandry's can melt entire teams. Also safe for a laner, with good harass.


Jayce is such a utility based champion, it's insane. Extremely high poke damage, great harass, mana sustain, disengages, engages, speed boosts...


Everything. Plus, he only needs to build Black Cleaver and Manamune for damage. He can just build full tank afterwards.

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Honestly I don't see any issues with going full damage Jayce if you got a tanky jungler or a support. Even then, 3 damage items + Banshee + Randuin's sounds pretty ok. Just, Last Whisper has a much better synergy with Acceleration Gate>Shock Blast than Black Cleaver.

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I don't like going full-damage Jayce. He doesn't have as much use to the team as an off-tank Jayce. If I can melt their carries with only Cleaver and Muramana, then why build any further damage? Might as well be a tank as well.


Plus, the Cleaver benefits the team farm more then the selfish Last Whisper, since both forms of his Q are AoE. That, and Transform: Mercury Cannon! + Cleaver debuff = HUGE armor reductions. And to top it all off, the small 200 health boost can save lives man.

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