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Can someone give me any, like, ANY reason why Kha'Zix isn't nerfed to the ground yet? I have a huge feeling he's the new Kassadin - you either pick/ban it, or lose. His Q does ridiculous amounts of damage even if unevolved, E and R give him gigantic amounts of mobility AND invicibility. You can literally go invisible, jump ABOVE THE ENTIRE TEAM to the backline and kill the ADC in 1-2 shots. Early game evolved R makes you impossible to catch or outrun, combined with red buff, passive and W...like, seriously. This is stupid.

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Because he usually has to be built as a glass cannon of sorts. If he does get fed enough to do "Tons of Damage!"™, yeah, he's a monster to have to deal with.


But, with proper warding and good play, he can very easily fall behind and just not have enough damage to do anything more than tickle. He also has a very predictable set of abilities, meaning you can simply outplay him if you know what you're doing.


I sort of imagine that he's kind of like an AD Evelynn at the moment. Just gotta know how to deal with it.


Also, if he's even a little bit fed, try to avoid 1v1ing him all by your lonesome. He was designed to thrive in that sort of situation, meaning to have to play more as a team. After all, in the long run, he actually brings very little to a teamfight, ESPECIALLY if he's unable to instantly burst someone down by the time the teamfight breaks out.

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I wouldn't say a champ whose equipment contains Mercury's Threads, Randuin's Omen, Hexdrinker and Banshee's Veil is "glass cannon". Long gone are the days of Triforce/Manamune Kha, now you either build tanky or go home. That, combined with 50% damage reduction on his ultimate, his invisibility and jumps makes him REALLY slippery, and even if you catch him, he'll be tanky enough to survive.
He does increased damage to solo targets, has mixed damage in his kit and hits for missing health on evolved Q. Even if he is REALLY behind, he'll hit for quite a bit. If he's doing ok, he will hurt, and if he snowballed, mother of god he's unstoppable. And proper warding helps, but you know, he can gank like Evelynn, from the shadows.
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As I'm saying, though, complaining about how "op" a champion is won't solve anything, whether he actually is or not. You just have to learn to adjust to the current situation and find a way to thrive. Even a snowballing Kha'Zix can make mistakes, and that one mistake might be enough to kick your team into the lead, letting your team snowball from there.

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In general right now, Runaan's is just not a good item. Even with the extra bolts, it just doesn't give enough benefits to be worth buying over something like Phantom Dancer.


True, but the key for me is not how much damage you can deal, but how fast you can deal it. In fact, I'll give it a shot in a game and let you know how it goes. After all, Jinx is a ranged attacker too.

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Well, I was a wee bit off on my "50-50" thing.


XDG deserved to lose though, after how badly they've been playing. Now we've just gotta hope LMQ doesn't roflstomp the entire LCS like some people are saying. Not that it seems likely, stomping XDG =/= stomping C9 or TSM.


True, but the key for me is not how much damage you can deal, but how fast you can deal it. In fact, I'll give it a shot in a game and let you know how it goes. After all, Jinx is a ranged attacker too.

Phantom Dancer makes you do damage really fast too, though. And it does more.

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True, but the key for me is not how much damage you can deal, but how fast you can deal it. In fact, I'll give it a shot in a game and let you know how it goes. After all, Jinx is a ranged attacker too.


Both are important but Raw Damage is more helpul as it GREATLY boost what Life Steal can do. For example: Say you got 20% of Life Steal what would you prefer?

hitting fast for 110-130 Damage regaining 22-26 HP back per hit or Hitting 250-270 critical hits that will regain you between 50-60 HP per hit?

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I fear for the future of XDG, though. Things are looking bleak, as apparently there might be a breakup on the horizon.


they gotta git gud

What do you think of the speculation about Mancloud going to Dignitas? Seems like it could be a good idea, given the trouble DIG's been having finding a good mid. Especially if he starts playing like he apparently did last season.

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I've actually never heard of Team 8. (though having to look them up, they seem competent so I guess yeah?)


Also, what's the promo tourney?


...I may SEEM like I know a lot about the pro scene, but I had to drop it all for like 2 months and I've lost track of EVERYTHING.


Someone should make a chart of everything Pro League Tourney related. ._.

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