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Mid tower early also gives you huge Dragon control


It opens up a lot of counter warding and deep warding too though.  I mean, if you take enemy mid tower at 12-15~ minutes during a standard ranked game, there's gonna be some huge plays on side lanes in general.  But yeah it does give big dragon control.  When mid tower goes down against the enemy I tend to play hyper aggressive (I main support) and ward deeper so I guess that's why I mentioned it.

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Kassadin is a really popular ban in Korea right now.  Anyone know why he suddenly became strong?


It's not that he became strong; he always has been.  I think his popularity has jumped recently because of the amount of standard AP champs returning to the front lines (since the likes of Kha'zix and others have been nerfed pretty hard) and he's a viable answer to big name mids.   Especially Twisted Fate, Ryze, and Orianna.  Plus, he has a Flash on a seven second cooldown.  He's also a good answer to Ezreal (lots of double AD comps running him mid).

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Recently many European LCS teams have been using Kassadin and it's amazing to watch. I feel that overall, or just the fact that I'm stuck in the league I'm in, that Kassadin is underestimated by many players. 


Over estimated in gold and under.  Under estimated in Plat or higher.  I DUN GET IT.

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Am I the only one that still thinks that this game is made for teenage dropouts who have social anxiety, ignorance and arrogance issues, have the sportsmanship of a five year old, and live in their mom's basement?


Seven billion people in the world. Yes, you are the only one who thinks that. This game gets a lot of hate because of the community, but in reality all online games have a pretty crappy community.


Edit: I'm down to make a YCM ranked team as long as everybody has Skype.

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Am I the only one that still thinks that this game is made for teenage dropouts who have social anxiety, ignorance and arrogance issues, have the sportsmanship of a five year old, and live in their mom's basement?


This is not Call of Duty.

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Seven billion people in the world. Yes, you are the only one who thinks that. This game gets a lot of hate because of the community, but in reality all online games have a pretty crappy community.

Actually, most online games that I play recently (Pangya, Elsword, Sword Girls, etc.) have a great active community who don't give you piss about the game, and besides, I'd much rather play with friends in any game than have a game where every match has a guy that says "piss off, newblet, I hope you die". Or the new phrase "bg" to show that the height of their sportsmanship doesn't even reach the door handle.

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Everywhere yo go you're going to find people who are like that. The world's just like that. Sure, you're going to get in game with people who just troll or are down right hateful. If you don't like the game, or the players, go play bot games or just don't play. I can understand people who say things like that if they are in Plat or higher because they know how the game works. This is why I can't wait for Season 4 so I can get into Plat :P

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Actually, most online games that I play recently (Pangya, Elsword, Sword Girls, etc.) have a great active community who don't give you piss about the game, and besides, I'd much rather play with friends in any game than have a game where every match has a guy that says "piss off, newblet, I hope you die". Or the new phrase "bg" to show that the height of their sportsmanship doesn't even reach the door handle.


It's really not that bad. Every game has people like that and it is an exaggerated problem on League of Legends. I have put in a lot of hours playing this game and that positive attitude is more common than negative attitude.

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Yeah, I'm stuck in Silver V. Pro tips: don't queue with your friend who's a diamond 4 player during your provisional games. They will all be Plat and higher while your team will all be Plastic 5...


Don't worry about it.  I was duo-queing for the longest when I finally said fuck it, and I 'm climbing the ladder alone.  It's a lot harder, but YOU have to be the one to carry.  And I'm saying that as a support main.  I.  Have.  Carried.  Many games.  


Most recently, I was qued with a Graves (his dashes were nice to be fair).  We were paired against a Leona / Caitlyn bot lane.  Our team was 5v3 in mid lane as they took our first mid outer tower.  I said fuck it, Graves push.  He responded, I warded behind us and we shoved down to their inhib while they couldn't fight us off our inner mid.  Leona and Cait backed from midlane, while Karthus tried to pinch us in.  Leona came down with homeguard and sworded Graves, I tornadoed and knocked up her and Caitlyn.  Shield, slow, knock-up.  All on point.  Then Karthus shows up.  Graves is kiting backwards and I'm shielding for HIS life.  He gets worded by leona time and time again, but my tornadoes kept her from stun locking him.  Karthus comes from behind, I exhaust him.  Leona get's killed, but I'm getting low.  Shield Graves, flash out of Defile, Ult to heal Graves and myself a bit, tornado Cait.  She dies.  I die next.  Graves still alive from lifesteal.  Ended up feeding him a quadra.


What did he do?  Autoattack.


I carried that.  And believe me when I say, if YOU can't carry, don't soloque.  Otherwise, be prepared for duo-que hell.

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Haha alright. I'm close to getting Lee Sin, maybe 10 more wins. Then I'll carry hard. 


So I decided to take up streaming on Twitch. It's pretty simple, except for the part where you have to find viewers. Once I finish setting everything up, I'll post a link here or on my profile in case anyone wants to watch.

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